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3 Ways To Excel In Project Management


Project management is challenging.

It takes the right kind of person to lead teams, direct projects and deliver successful results.

But despite its demands it can also be hugely rewarding – experience in this type of leadership can open doors across industries for those who rise to the occasion.

How do you make your mark, command authority and push the limits to get your mission off the ground and launch it to success?

These three suggestions will clarify the soft skills and practical assets that to help you smash goals and get ahead.

1. Tap into others’ talents.

Relinquishing control is one of the hardest parts of managing any project, and even when working with a trusted team, it’s tempting to take on the highest-stake tasks for yourself.

But while this may give you a certain piece of mind, it’s not necessarily going to produce the best possible outcome. Instead, you’ll leave yourself feeling overworked, under pressure and ultimately burnt out, while your team feels unimportant and undervalued.

Not to mention, you’ll be missing out on precious input that could make all the difference to your project’s success. By failing to access the talent available to you on your team, your project is more likely to suffer and the end result will only reflect worse on you.

Learn how to lose control by getting to know your team on a personal and professional level. Familiarise yourself with their capabilities and learn how to communicate with them to ensure transparency on both sides – this way, you can be sure all delegated tasks are in safe hands.

2. Know your strengths.

As well as making the most of your team’s abilities, you must have confidence in your own leadership skills in large-scale projects.

As with any other endeavour, you should also continue improving your skills no matter what stage you’re at. Take time to reflect from day to day on what’s going well and how you can improve.

You could also consider traditional study to help you improve on your existing strengths and grow in your role. With a remote Project Management MSC from ARU Distance Learning, you can study flexibly whilst working to keep your skills evergreen

3. Be realistic.

It should go without saying, but don’t set goals that your team can’t realistically achieve.

It’s great to aim high, but by setting unattainable targets you’re setting your team up for demotivation, frustration and eventual failure.

When setting deadlines and expectations, be mindful of resources and remember to use every tool at your disposal, including technology and communications.

Again, your leadership skills will go a long way here – be sure to check in with your team as often as possible to offer them support and help them stay on target.

Follow these three golden rules of project management and you’ll find success wherever you go.