Home Others Helpful And Effective Tips To Pass Your Contractor’s License Exam

Helpful And Effective Tips To Pass Your Contractor’s License Exam


When you make the decision to become a contractor, it’s not as simple as just making the decision and then doing it… there’s quite a bit of work involved to assume that title.

For example, if you wanted to obtain your contracting license in Oklahoma, you’d have to pass your Business and Law Exam as well as your industry-specific trade exam, and then complete Oklahoma continuing education after you’ve obtained your license every two to three years.

But you have to pass those exams first, and it’s the exams that weigh heavily on the minds of aspiring contractors. You could be someone who’s extremely handy, loves working with your hands, and do a lot of side work for friends and family but get mentally “tripped up” when it comes to taking tests… it’s like everything you know just freezes up.

But this is nothing to panic over, in fact, getting jitters before taking a test is quite common, and there are remedies to eliminate this issue. So whether you want to start a construction company or become an independent contractor, you must first pass your contractor’s exam(s). Here are some of the best test-taking tips to pass.

Helpful and Effective Tips to Pass Your Contractor’s Exam

Skip Questions You Don’t Know and come back to Them.

This is a tried and true test-taking method, and it makes perfect sense. If you don’t know the answer to certain questions, skip over them and come back to them; There’s no sense in wasting time being stuck on one question when you can go on and complete the remaining questions first.

This method allows you to confidently answer the questions you know quickly, and then can come back and spend a little more time on the ones you don’t know to really review your study materials in your head… You’re more likely to get the questions you’re unsure of correct with this method.

Don’t Second-Guess Your Initial Thoughts.

Did you know that you’re just as likely to change your answers from wrong to wrong and right to wrong when you second-guess your initial thoughts? A study revealed that probability, especially with multiple-choice questions.

So the best solution here is to go with your gut, and if you have a gut feeling that the answer could be something else, go back to it after you’ve answered the questions you know are right… A break from the question in question will free your mind from clouded judgment.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Test-Takers.

It’s pretty safe to say that you’re not going to be the only one interested in becoming a contractor but you also can’t waste your time during the exam wondering what other applicants are thinking or what they’re putting down for answers. You also have to take note that not everyone in the exam room will be taking the same exam as you too.

These exams are done in one room and are utilized to administer exams for a number of different exam types. You might be taking your exam to become a general contractor while the person next to you might be taking an exam to earn their barber license. So you can’t focus on others; center all your focus on the exam in front of you.