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How To Break All The Rules And Make Money Podcasting


Podcasting is a great way to send your message, connect with people, and expand your personal brand. As long as you’re passionate about your advocacy and the message you share, you can really make a difference in someone’s life. If you’ve been in the podcasting world for years, you’re doing what you love. Did you know that you can make a living out of it? If you invest enough time and energy into growing your audience, you can make big bucks.

Keep on reading to find out what you need to do to become part of the group of people successfully monetizing their passion.

Ask listeners for donations.

Fans are more than willing to throw a few dollars your way to make sure they continue to receive brilliant, entertaining content. So, don’t hesitate to ask for donations from loyal fans. Talk about how you’re podcasting for free and ask for a small thank you in return. Tell your audience that you need the money to create new episodes. If they understand where the money is going, people won’t say NO to lending a helping hand. They know they’re investing in a worthwhile commodity. Words such as “support” and “partner” will no doubt increase the number of donations because you’re inviting listeners into a relationship.

Not only is it important to ask for money but also to provide an easy and convenient way for fans to send money. You can add a PayPal button to your website. Fans can donate with just a few clicks, so it’s not necessary to take out their credit or debit cards. PayPal is free, which translates into the fact that you’re not charged for the subscription. The great thing about PayPal is that it can work for online and in-person donations. If you organize a live event around your podcast, you can process credit and debit cards. You can take things one step further in your efforts to raise money and get funding from the crowd. Podcasters frequently use crowdfunding websites, so what are you waiting for?

Pitch potential sponsors for your podcast.

Sponsorship is an effective way to create revenue with your podcast. You can create awareness and build positioning via associative imagery. A sponsorship is practically a deal between you and the company, where you help them sell their products or services and promote their brand. The prices for podcast sponsorships depend on the number of downloads. If you have many listeners, you can earn a greater amount of money. The sponsor will pay for anything from podcast downloads to impressions on social networking sites.

Attention needs to be paid to the fact that finding sponsors can be tricky. Find an organization that has similar principles and ideas. Research your potential sponsors and reach out to the person who is likely to say YES to your proposal. You shouldn’t waste your time with people who don’t have authority. Don’t worry if your proposal isn’t met with great enthusiasm. It’s hard to strike a good deal with sponsors. Make sure to follow up with phone calls and emails. If you’ve managed to spark interest with your podcast, that means that your proposal is good enough.

Create an online course that includes best tips.

If you’re inspired by podcasts like Joe Ragan, think about making your own. The need for information has grown over the past couple of years, so you can get paid for your knowledge. Teach people how to make engaging content with royalty free music for podcasts and build a loyal audience. This activity will culminate in learners producing original podcasts. People don’t know that music creates an identity for the show and enhances the content of the podcast. It’s a good thing they have you to teach them all the secrets. Attendees will learn effective ways to use music and how to avoid copyright laws, among other things.

Email your listeners to let them know that you’re organizing a course and promote it on a webinar platform to show the value of what you’re offering. You can make teaching more interactive and flexible. Order the lessons in a progressive and logical order. The price impacts the type of marketing you can do to promote your online course to the number of students it attracts. If you charge too much, it will be necessary to reduce the price to gain support and attention. Au contraire, if you charge too little, you’ll considerably limit your revenue potential. So, have a sound pricing strategy.

Build podcast revenue with sales ads.

Becoming part of an advertising network enables you to unlock your revenue potential. Ad placements will be introduced in your show. For instance, you can start your show with something like this: This episode is brought to you by X. You get the point. As a rule, you’re paid for every 1,000 impressions served to the ad unit. You can collaborate with ad networks, advertisers, and other sponsors to monetize your podcast. You don’t need to create or sell anything. All you have to do is to make the best deal for you. If you’re at the top among podcasters, advertising is the smart approach to monetization.

Regardless of what type of information you’re peddling, the best way to improve your fortunes is to allow paid ads. Try to diversify your income stream. To be more exact, you could share the products and services that you trust. Not only will your listenership grow but also the frequency of the episodes will increase. It’s important to build credibility and authority to boost your profile. Keep in mind that all of the shows are recorded and you can’t take your words back. With so many choices out there, you don’t want people to go for obscure podcasters. The value of losing listeners is too high.

To conclude, if you need money fast, it’s probably not a good idea to start a podcast. You can generate revenue in various ways, but you shouldn’t expect the sums of money to come in right away. Since it takes time to generate money, you should focus on podcasting for fun. The money will come later.