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5 Tips For Launching A Handyman Service


Are you terrific with tools? A hero with hardware? An ace on all things home improvement? If so, starting a professional handyman service might be the right move to make.

Think about it. The skills and expertise of a handyman are always in demand. The client base is almost limitless. If you have what it takes to become a handyman, doing so could be your ticket to business success.

With that said, skills and expertise are only one part of launching a handyman business. The following are additional factors to consider before getting started:

Obtain the proper licenses.

Depending on where you live and which handyman services you’ll provide, it might be necessary to get fully licensed. At the very least, you’ll probably need a business license. It’s imperative to secure all required permits and other credentials prior to starting a handyman business. Otherwise, you’ll be exposing yourself to fines, penalties, and even lawsuits.

Use a lead service.

Most handyman businesses rely on word-of-mouth to get new clients. Since that’s difficult to pull off at the beginning, consider using a contractor lead service like Networx. Combined with positive Networx reviews of your business, lead generation helps build your client base. It’s an effective way to hit the ground running rather than waiting for the phone to ring.

Get bonded and insured.

The work of a professional handyman typically involves repairing and remodeling residential and commercial property. What happens if you make a huge mistake? An error could result in thousands of dollars of damage. That’s where bond and business insurance enter the picture. Becoming bonded means your clients are covered if you screw up while getting insured means you’re protected in the event of property damage and personal injury.

Say goodbye to the 9-5.

Are you someone who insists on a set work schedule every week? If so, becoming a handyman might not be the right choice, after all. A handyman needs to be on call throughout the day. That doesn’t mean you’ll be working that entire time; it just means you need to be prepared to work at any point during regular business hours. Over time you may have luck with developing a standard schedule, but it’s unlikely you’ll manage that at the beginning.

Research the competition.

Chances are you won’t be the only handyman in town. Others have been in business for decades. That makes it difficult for upstarts to find work. With that said, there’s an opportunity to use that established presence against them. Take a close look at what they have to offer. Rack your brain for ways to do it better or offer something different. You’ve got time to think, so make the most of it before going forward.

Handyman skills are hard to come by. That means there’s always going to be demand for handyman services. With this in mind, those with those skills should consider becoming a professional handyman. The process is ultimately no different from starting any other type of business: know the rules, know the competition, know your market, make the sale, and provide a superior product or service.