Home Others 7 Ways Online Tuition Will Change In The Next Decade 

7 Ways Online Tuition Will Change In The Next Decade 


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Education has undergone a drastic change this year. Most teaching has moved online and educational institutions are figuring out new ways to teach students who are confined to the four walls of their homes. Not only schools and colleges, but tuition classes have also moved online, which means there have been several changes in how education is imparted across the world.

Here are seven ways in which online tuition classes are likely to change over the next decade.

1. More Flexible.

One advantage of online learning is that the classes can be recorded. Earlier, students would attend a series of classes after school and have to travel accordingly. The classes would be held at a specific time, as they were in school, and given the burden schools already imposed upon students, they would be exhausted by the time the day was over.

With tuition classes moving online, students will now be able to access recorded sessions at any point during the day. This will help students learn when they have the mind space to do so, which also leads to efficient learning. Furthermore, flexible tuition classes will allow students to learn at their own pace and not be bogged down by the rest of the class’s speed.

2. Variety Of Classes.

The vast majority of tuition classes these days teach either mathematics or science-based subjects. Even students learning arts and commerce have difficulties gaining access to good tuition classes. This hegemony of mathematics and science is likely to change over the next few years. We have already seen a few glimpses of this over the last few years through websites that allow common people to teach other subjects. Inevitably, many have studied arts or other vocations, and such websites have enabled a decent match among students wishing to learn obscure subjects and people willing to teach them.

This is what the future of tuition has in store as well. Online classes allow a significantly greater number of experts to indulge in teaching, which means that students who would otherwise have had difficulties gaining access to tuition classes for their subjects online, can now do so. The variety of topics available through tuition is likely to increase over the next decade, along with a corresponding increase in the type of subjects taught in school.

3. More People Will Opt For Tuition.

By the end of this decade, nearly the whole world will be covered by the internet. As people are connected to the internet and technology associated with the internet increases, so will their accessibility to the internet’s resources. Simultaneously, a trend is very visible even now that a greater proportion of the global population is getting education every year. The importance of education is being understood worldwide, and parents no longer hesitate to send their kids to school.

This amalgamation of greater internet coverage and greater interest in gaining an education is bound to result in greater accessibility to online tuition classes. As the prevalence of online tuition classes increases – which it inevitably is going to – so will the number of students opting for these tuition classes. Over the next decade, online tuition classes will undergo a period of proliferation in enrolment, the likes of which have seldom been seen in online resources before. There is a dormant swathe of students yet untapped by any tuition class, much less online tuition classes, and these students will lead this proliferation.

4. Customization On The Rise.

Students seldom opt for tuition classes for only one subject. Most students will choose tuition classes for most of the subjects they are studying at school, if not all the subjects. This means that online tuition classes that offer just one subject will probably go out of favour with students, considering that it would be inconvenient for students to maintain records of different websites for different online tuition class subjects. Most students would prefer an exhaustive portal, where all their school subjects are taught together.

Simultaneously, it is evident that the customization of school education will also increase in the coming years. Students will be able to opt for all the subjects they want to study in high school and drop the subjects they do not want to study. This increasingly calls for an online tuition portal which offers multiple classes to cover all subjects. In the future, tuition classes online will be increasingly multi-subject to satiate this demand among students.

5. Cost Of Tuition Will Drop.

You are aware of the difference in cost between online tuition classes and traditional, offline tuition classes. Why does this difference exist? There is no doubt that online tuition classes require better technology access than regular tuition classes. Mostly, an offline tuition class would cost less because the competition among offline tuition classes is much lesser than online tuition classes.

In any domain, as competition increases, price decreases. The exorbitant prices observed for online tuition classes these days will certainly be a thing of the past within the next decade. This will partly be driven by greater access to technology for the teacher. The price of the internet at multiple places across the world has been dropping for some time now. The technology required for high-quality recording is available much more readily, and animation can now be done online. As the access to technology for all parties involved increases and becomes cheaper, so will online tuition classes.

6. Class Length Will Decrease.

The main reason for the inefficiency of traditional tuition classes is the length of a class. If classes were shorter and paid much more attention to one topic at a time, efficiency would increase, and students would understand better.

This is where one great advantage of online tuition classes comes in. Because online tuition classes mostly include pre-recorded sessions by instructors and sometimes, even animated videos. Each video can focus on just one topic and hence be much shorter in length than a whole class. This is another component of the future of online tuition classes. Each category’s size will decrease classes that would cease to exist altogether – since topic-related videos are how education will be imparted.

7. Animation Is The Next Thing.

The most evident trend that will be seen in online tuition classes in the future is the rise of animation. Since online tuition classes have only started yet, they are restricted to low tech live or pre-recorded sessions. These have their advantages over traditional tuition classes, but are only a better version of: they do not offer anything radically different. The learning pace for students remains the same; the instructors teach in the same way as in a traditional offline class. This does not allow students to take advantage of all the features provided by the online mode.

The future of online tuition classes lies in animation. For all classes and all subjects, animated videos can be a much better method of imparting knowledge than any other medium. The visual medium appeals to all kinds of students and helps them learn at their own pace. In the next few years, we will likely see more and more online tuition class portals switching to animated or at least partly animated videos to teach most subjects.


There is no doubt about the fact that online tuition is the future.  Online tuition class providers such as Cuemath have begun helping students take advantage of the online medium. It is high time you did too!