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How To Recognise Professional Negligence


All businesses and professionals are legally bound to provide a good standard of service to their clients. If they don’t, they risk committing professional negligence. This can have a devastating impact on both you and your business.

Here, you’ll discover how to recognise and respond to professional negligence.

What is professional negligence?

Professional negligence occurs when a professional offers a poor or inadequate service. This results in harm to the client, whether financial or physical.

Mistakes can occur and this can result in a professional negligence claim being made against you. It covers a range of areas and there are different types of negligence that can occur in different industries.  These include:

  • Providing incorrect or inadequate advice
  • Accountants failing to provide tax relief advice
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • A property surveyor not recognising problems within a property

These are just a very small number of examples of professional negligence.

What are its implications?

There are a number of implications that can occur through professional negligence. It can have a devastating impact on the personal and professional lives of those affected. Even if the business didn’t purposely act in a negligent manner, they can still be held liable.

Just some of the implications of professional negligence on claimants can include:

  • Financial losses
  • High levels of stress
  • Anxiety

It could be that you received poor advice from a professional who’s serviced you were hiring, which resulted in the loss of money. If this is the case, you have clear reason to file a professional negligence claim. The full implications will depend upon the severity of the negligence.

Responding to professional negligence.

If professional negligence has occurred, you can claim using a professional negligence solicitor.  There are different processes that need to be followed between different types of professionals. For example, the advice provided to those making a claim against a Vet, will differ to making a claim against a solicitor or an accountant. So, being aware of the different processes relating to you industry is important.

Professional negligence solicitors can offer you confidential and comprehensive advice regarding your situation. They will be able to guide you through the process and ensure you are well represented.

Overall, professional negligence is a significant issue, and it can have dire consequences for you or your business. Knowing how to recognise and respond to it is key. Professionals have a responsibility to offer adequate advice and a satisfactory service, you shouldn’t have to pay when that is not what you receive.