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How Many Instagram Followers Do You Need To Start Making Money?


When it comes to monetizing your account on Instagram, the first thing you need to look at the number of followers you currently have, if you haven’t even got a thousand followers then there is no point in thinking about monetizing your account until you get to a decent number.

But how do you go about getting more followers and do more followers really translate into money? Here we find out more.

How to Get More Followers.

Before you even consider trying to monetize your account, you need to think about how you can get more followers. You can spend hours following and unfollowing other accounts in your target market, trying to grow it on your own.

Whilst this approach is beneficial as it grows your account organically, it takes up a lot of time and effort. Another approach you can take to garner the same results is by using a growth service. Growth services are an exceptional tool that can help you grow your following and it gives you the freedom to do what you do best and that is creating content.

Using a service such as Growthoid.com means that you can outsource account growth. They will need to know who your target market are before you begin, so it helps to have this on lock. Growthoid will then proceed to organically grow your account by engaging with other users that match your predetermined data points. If you want to give your account a quick boost, you can also use Buzzoid.

They provide high quality followers immediately onto your feed, but if you do this we recommend that you also buy at least 10% of the follower total in likes. This means that you keep your follower to engagement ratio at a good level, we’ll explain the importance of this next.

Follower to Engagement Ratio.

One of the most important algorithms on Instagram is the follower to engagement ratio. It is this ratio that either gets your content out there and in front of others or doesn’t.

The follower to engagement ratio measures the number of followers you have versus how much they engage with your content. If you have a high number of followers that you have bought, these won’t engage with your content and by engage we mean like and comment on it. The better the ratio the more likely you are to find your content on the explorer page.

You will also find that Instagram will put it in front of other users and your account will start to grow. The other side of this is brands are now aware of the follower to engagement ratio and the importance of engagement on Instagram accounts.

Too many people have filled up their Instagram with fake bot accounts, so now, brands will look for this. It is easy to tell a fake account from a real one once you have clicked through to the feed, so brands will now avoid people who use this strategy to try and gain sponsorship deals.

If You Want to Monetise Your Account Aim for Engagement.

With brands becoming increasingly aware of people buying Instagram followers in an attempt to monetize their accounts, this isn’t a behaviour that you want to emulate. Rather, you want to be aiming for engagement over follower number.

This is what brands are now looking at and looking for. They are looking for accounts that have a good rapport with the people that follow them, comment on other posts and receive comments and likes in return. The better the engagement rate, the better the chance of you monetising your account. Instead of trying to boost your follower numbers by following and unfollowing, utilise Growthoid who will grow your account for you, effortlessly.

If you are just starting out and want to monetize your account quickly, there is nothing to say that you can’t use both Growthoid and Buzzoid at the same time, but you need to be smart about it. Start off growing your account with Growthoid and then add some followers and likes on top with Buzzoid.

This way you will retain the all-important follower to engagement ratio and give your account a much-needed boost in the right direction.

Wrap Up.

Gone are the days when you could monetise your Instagram account on follower number alone.

This isn’t something you can do anymore, but what you can do instead is build a rapport with your target market. It is this rapport and engagement that will you in better stead when it comes to monetizing your account, as this is what brands look for.

A good base rate to work off is that you want 10% of your followers to like and engage with your content. If you can increase this further, then you stand a real chance of being able to monetise it. This way, it doesn’t matter if you have 1000 followers or 50,000 followers, brands will start taking notice of you.