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What Are The Most Common Office Accidents?


The office might seem like somewhere that is completely safe for employees, but there are many accidents that occur each year and often these are avoidable. So, what kind of accidents are common and what steps can employers take to reduce the chance of these incidents occurring?

Read on to find out more.

Slips, Trips & Falls.

Slips, trips and falls are common in all work settings and these can be incredibly dangerous. Inside the office, you need to keep it as neat and tidy as possible at all times and make sure that cables are kept out of the way. Additionally, any spillages should be cleaned up immediately. Employers also need to be aware of this hazard outside of the workplace, especially during winter. Ice-melting products, nonslip runners and handrails can all be helpful. If someone suffers an injury that is not their fault, they may speak to a personal injury solicitor and seek compensation.

Falling Objects.

Falling objects is an injury that is particularly high in warehouse environments but can also be a hazard in an office setting. Items can fall from cupboards and shelves which can cause serious damage, especially if the individual does not see the item coming. You can avoid this accident by providing adequate storage facilities, training staff to file items away properly and avoiding over filing shelves and cabinets.

Muscle Strains.

A typical office role will frequently involve heavy lifting which can easily lead to injury, especially when the correct technique is not used. This is why staff should always be trained on how to lift properly and people should ask for help as opposed to carrying things which are too heavy.

Ergonomic Injuries.

Ergonomic injuries are highly common in an office setting due to people sitting down in the same position all day and carrying out the same movements (RSI). Investing in high-quality ergonomic equipment is important and will certainly help to prevent injuries, but you must also make sure that people are taking regular breaks where they spend time away from their desk.

Eye Strain.

Similarly, people can suffer from eye strain from sitting at the computer all day long. Providing a suitable work environment with plenty of natural light is important, but again you should make sure that people are taking regular breaks and educate them on the dangers of staring at a screen for too long.

These are the main injuries that you see in an office, all of which employers can avoid with a few simple steps.