Home Others Trading Places: The Start-Ups And Newcomers Worth Watching 

Trading Places: The Start-Ups And Newcomers Worth Watching 


The common saying goes that the first year of running a business can be one of the hardest. The idea, the product, the service might come quickly, but all the other aspects of business beyond that – the administration, structure, hierarchy, financials, branding, can all be huge amounts of legwork and complexity. In recent years, some of the most exciting and successful businesses have come on leaps and bounds compared to the progress made in their earliest years.

As a rule, we’ll be looking at companies that are no more than approximately five to ten years old, but their prospects are certainly not in question. If you’re trading, make a note of some of these names, or head to their sites and make use of some of their outstanding services.

Freeing the freelancers.

Fiverr is only around a decade old, however, its presence as a hub for freelancing is unquestioned, offering a new take on the gig economy and service industry. Through the Fiverr platform, talented and skilled professionals are able to advertise their abilities; anything from creative design to copyediting to photography, to prospective employers. With an intuitive profile and rating system, Fiverr is incredibly popular amongst start-ups and small businesses looking to find high-quality solutions to traditionally expensive collateral and marketing materials. It’s a win-win for everybody. Building up a good reputation on Fiverr can supplement income enough to be the main source of income for some.

Simplifying Property.

Trussle was dreamed up about five years ago by two founders who wanted to simplify a previously very complex and expensive process of mortgaging and remortgaging through a mortgage advice platform. Remortgaging can be highly attractive to first-time homeowners as a way of increasing the flexibility of a deal, finding a better rate, or simply saving some money. From an educational perspective, many won’t be familiar with the process in the first place. Rather than paying for expensive consultancy fees, they can head to platforms like this to find free, professional-grade support.

Multiplied Multitasking.

Our final one-to-watch is one you may not have heard of. Button is a mobile tech platform that focuses on connection; chiefly of apps to one another. The idea is that a user might be able to, for example, peruse eateries on a Tastecard app, find and reserve a table via the Opentable app, and have the Uber on the way in fewer moves. The ability to consolidate the actions is a game-changer for the innovation of simplified platforms. The way we’ve reinvented movie rental through on-demand services like Netflix might be the first step, bringing together diffuse services into single, consolidated actions is the next one.

Technology has done so much for our ability to rethink the traditional ways we did things. As long as we can continue to improve convenience and make lives easier, the better for many of us. In a wider sense, these new services are built for those who might previously have been priced out or excluded by the issues like cost or accessibility. With the ability to get all this from our mobiles, the world becomes a more universally exciting and open place for all of us.