Home Products & Services How To Use Building Site Banners As Your Marketing Materials

How To Use Building Site Banners As Your Marketing Materials


building site banner

We’ve all seen a building getting constructed somewhere. It could be in your neighborhood or somewhere around town. The increasing number of building constructions going on around might leave you asking what these buildings are. ‘Could this one be a new mall? Is that one an apartment?’ These lingering questions are answered by building site banners – those tarpaulins and huge posters installed in billboards or fenced around the site.

Aside from telling people what the building is, site banners have other functions like:

  • Warn passers-by of hazardous falling debris
  • Hide the ugly construction view from the community
  • Serve as printed fence mesh which could boost up one’s marketing game

Building Site Banners As Marketing Materials.

Probably, the biggest thing building site banners can do is to serve as marketing materials. They can be used to promote and advertise your business’ products or services.

Building site banners help raise awareness about your business as early as the construction phase. They’re like movie trailers that offer the audience a short glimpse of what the movie is all about. You can attract potential consumers by telling them what product or service you’re going to sell or offer. This way, you entice people and get them hooked before the real thing comes out.

This is a good move especially if you want your business to succeed. For more great tips in your business venture, you can ask advice from the experts.

Useful Tips.

You might have several questions buzzing in your head right now. ‘Where to begin? What to put on my banner? Where to get it printed? How to utilize it for marketing purposes?’

The following points detail a step by step process you can follow if you consider building site banners for your marketing needs.

  • Find A Trusted Printing Service.

If you truly have no idea where to begin, it’s best to consult the experts in the field. When it comes to building site banners, printing services are the aces on this. Some printing services don’t just do the printing, they can also do banner designing, size estimations, and the actual installation in your site.

It all depends on where you decide to get services from. Choose the one that can possibly cater your maximum printing needs.

  • Go For The Quality.

When it comes to marketing, you have to put in a lot of time and effort to let people notice of what product and service you’re selling and providing. For more efficiency, make sure your tangible marketing materials such as building site banners are durable and can survive for quite some time.

For this, you should consider the quality of material to be used for site banners. Consider the possible harsh weather conditions, for example, that may damage your site banners during the construction period.

You can check out fencewrap.com.au for banners that can survive the strong windy days.

  • Communicate With Target Audience.

Next, you have to think of a way to grab the attention of your target audience. You don’t want potential clients to just pass by your site and think of your building as another addition to the block. What you want is for your target audience to be curious about your building and your business.

For example, if you’re building a brand-new dormitory near a school then your site banner should show that the area is meant for students. You can design your banner’s content to target your potential clients.

  • Decide Your Banner’s Content.

You can have your imagination and creativity come out on building site banners, or you can choose to be formal and simple. Like a canvas, building site banners provide you with a clean slate that you can play around freely with your ideas. You may opt for putting texts, pictures, or both in your banners. The important thing is that people will clearly get the message you want to convey.

  • Show Them The Future.

People love looking at visuals because it helps them imagine things clearly. As marketing materials, you need to give people a glimpse of what your building is going to look like and what you’re going to sell or offer through your building site banners.

Usually, an effective way to do this is to place a pretty picture of your building’s completed look. It doesn’t matter if it’s still computer-generated, just make the picture realistic and not too fancy.

  • Remember To Put Contact Details.

Aside from trying to convey a message through site banners, another requirement you need to consider is to put on contact details. You can only do so much as putting bite-size information on your banners. However, if people would want to know more, they could easily inquire if you placed an email account, phone number, or anything that would allow them to reach you.

  • Think Of Where To Strategically Place It.

Before you print your building site banners, you have to plan wisely where to place them. Always remember that it should be somewhere people could easily see.

Perhaps, you can place it near the sidewalk or in a high place where people driving cars from afar can see it. The more people could see it, the better marketing you’ll do for your building.

You can also incorporate site banners to your building’s construction fence, hiding from people the messy scaffolding and construction scene while serving as a marketing tool at the same time. This is a very creative and efficient marketing strategy for your business.


If you’re constructing a building right now or planning to construct one, don’t waste time waiting for it to get finished before you start marketing. Marketing isn’t just a one-time process you can make. It takes a long process before things start to take effect.

Since people need time to get familiar or absorb information, it’s best to start early. This is why investing on building site banners is highly encouraged. They raise awareness of your upcoming building and business to possible future customers. They can also have other more practical purposes such as warning signs, fences, and others. You’ll definitely not go wrong with using building site banners as your marketing materials.