Home Others Effective Ways For Freight Companies To Prevent Cargo Damage

Effective Ways For Freight Companies To Prevent Cargo Damage


In order to maintain a solid professional reputation, many freight companies place a tremendous amount of importance on timeliness and the condition of the cargo. However, while both of these things are important, companies tend to emphasize the former over the latter. There’s no denying that clients prefer receiving their orders as quickly as possible, but if expediency frequently comes at the cost of damaged cargo, many customers are liable to take their business elsewhere.

Freight companies looking for ways to ensure that cargo reaches its destination in prime condition can benefit from the following pointers.

Make Sure Cargo is Properly Packed.

Improper packing is among the foremost causes of cargo damage. In some cases, delicate cargo is placed in ill-fitting shipping containers and/or not provided with sufficient cushioning. Other times, temperature-sensitive cargo is stored in a disagreeable climate. Since these errors occur at the packing phase, they essentially turn the entire journey into one big wasted effort. Companies looking to nip packing problems in the bud would be wise to take special accommodations into account in advance of the packing phase. In addition to using well-fitted shipping containers and shock-absorbent cushioning, companies are encouraged to make climate alterations as needed. A little extra effort at this stage can prevent a broad assortment of mishaps from occurring during the journey.

Utilize Impact Recorders.

Companies that have full faith in their drivers should consider investing in responsive impact recorders. These handy devices will provide both you and your clients with an accurate accounting of how much shaking, rocking and jostling cargo endures while en route to its destination. Utilizing impact recorders will show your clients that you have nothing to hide when it comes to your operators’ driving abilities and prove helpful in building trust.

Encourage Caution When Drivers Encounter Rough Terrain.

When transporting delicate cargo, it’s very important for freight operators to exercise caution when traversing rough terrain. Even if a driver is behind schedule and runs the risk of making a late delivery, most clients would rather receive a tardy shipment than a damaged one. With this in mind, encourage drivers to approach rough terrain and bumpy road conditions with the utmost caution, even if it means arriving at their destination later than anticipated. Clients may not be happy about a shipment arriving late, but they’re liable to be outright hostile if their cargo is visibly damaged.

Set Realistic Delivery Timelines.

There’s no denying that we live in an age of instant gratification. Thanks to advances in technology, people have grown accustomed to obtaining virtually anything they need with a few simple button clicks. At the end of the day, people don’t like waiting for things, and when it comes to delivery, they’re liable to go with the fastest available option. However, the adage “Haste makes waste” still rings true, particularly in the case of the freighting industry. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to transport cargo to clients as expediently as possible. Not only does this bolster a company’s professional reputation, it can help build client good relations and instill loyalty on the part of customers. Still, speed should never come at the cost of compromised quality.

Depending how delicate certain cargo is, it may take more time to safely transport than more resilient items. That being the case, avoid making unrealistic promises with regard to delivery timelines. Tasking operators with transporting delicate cargo in too expedient a manner places an unfair burden on your drivers and puts shipments at unnecessary risk. So, the next time your company is entrusted with fragile cargo, make sure the delivery timeline you set is realistic and avoid committing to a deadline that’s not conducive to cargo safety or operator well-being.

As any longtime freighting professional can attest, few clients are liable to abide damaged cargo. No matter how timely you are in transporting a shipment to its destination, speed is ultimately meaningless if the cargo incurs damage or is outright ruined. Needless to say, if a freighting company develops a reputation for delivering cargo in subpar condition, its client base is practically guaranteed to shrink. Fortunately, putting the previously discussed tips to good use can help reduce instances of cargo damage and lead to an increase in client satisfaction.