Home Others 4 Ways To Improve Your Company’s Online Reputation

4 Ways To Improve Your Company’s Online Reputation


reputation management

In this modern age, the most important thing for any business is its reputation. If you do not have a good online reputation, then your business will never succeed. The better your reputation is, the more customers you will get, and the more profit you will make. Also, it is not just about building a reputation; it is about maintaining it as well. No matter how great your reputation is, if it is tainted by a scandal or controversial post, then you can take a huge hit and can lose a lot of customers as well.

If your business does not have a good online reputation or if you are looking to repair it, then this article is for you. You can work on several different things to improve your reputation, and you can also consider hiring a reputation management company like brightpast.com as well.

Let’s have a look at a few tips that can help you improve your company’s online reputation.

1. Encourage Customers to Leave Positive Reviews.

To build a healthy reputation, you need to ask your customers to leave you a positive review online. These days when people are looking for a store or a specific business online, they will always look at the reviews first. If there are plenty of positive reviews, then the customer will definitely consider you, but if the reviews are bad, the customer would not even visit your website. The review can be given easily on the phone; all you need to do is ask your customers politely. You can also give them a discount coupon or a special offer for reviewing.

2. Don’t Dodge Bad Reviews.

Let’s be honest, no matter how great your business is or how good the quality of your service is, you won’t get positive reviews all the time. Every now and then you will come across negative reviews on your Google and Facebook profile. A lot of people just avoid those reviews but if you want to build a healthy reputation you will need to address them. Engage with a conversation with the reviewer and ask them about their experience. Try to understand their problem and reply to them politely. If they did have a genuine bad experience due to your company’s negligence then apologize to them by offering them a gift voucher. And even if their complaint is not valid try to make them understand and stay polite because the customer is always right and engaging in an argument can hurt your reputation.

3. Monitor the News.

Another important thing that you should not ignore is monitoring. You need to find out if people are talking about you on social media platforms and if they are whether they are praising your brand or are complaining. Monitoring platforms like Reddit helps you stay one step ahead, and if negative news is brewing somewhere, you will be able to notice and can fix it before it becomes a bigger problem. You also need to monitor blogs related to your industry so you can see what the bloggers have to say about your brand. You can also browse online reputation management news to learn more about it.

Collaborate With Blogger/Vloggers.

Collaborating with bloggers relevant to your niche is also a great way of establishing your brand’s reputation. For example, if you sell beauty products, you can send those products to a popular blogger and can ask them to review it on their website. Similarly, if you are a manufacturer, you can invite a vlogger to your factory and can ask them to make a vlog about your business. Just remember to pick bloggers that are not only popular but creative as well.