Home Others Start Your Own Medical Business: 3 Ideas

Start Your Own Medical Business: 3 Ideas


If there is one type of industry that is absolutely recession proof, it’s anything medical related. Many medical startups don’t require any medical training or going to med school at all. You just need some business acumen and find the right gap in the market.

Any entrepreneur can jump into the medical field and make a lot of money while also doing good for the community.

In this article, I will go over several small medical businesses that you can start and hopefully grow successfully.

1 – Mobile medical screening.

Mobility can be an issue and there are plenty of areas that are medical deserts. People in rural areas or even some urban areas that are poorly served by medical providers could use a mobile service that comes to them.

Flu shots and vaccine administration can be done where they live so you go to them instead of them coming to you. There is also the possibility to do blood tests and even eyesight and hearing.

If you are collecting samples, then using a service like ReliableCouriers.com to deliver your medical specimens can streamline your process so you don’t also have to think about logistics.

This can be a real money maker and at the same time provide a valuable service for people which can help improve their lives.

2 – Medical concierge.

Do you remember when doctors used to do house calls? Well, they still do if you are in the right network.

You can start up a medical concierge service and find a group of doctors who would like to belong to your service. Patients can sign up for a membership in which they recieve certain perks for their medical needs such as house calls.

Your service can provide members with perks like same day appointments, head of the line service for things like vaccines and new treatments. Think of it like a hotel concierge. If somebody asks them where to go to eat for the best seafood, the concierge sends them to the right restaurant. In this case somebody asks the concierge to find them a doctor that does over the phone prescriptions and you get the idea of how this works.

People will pay for convenience and when it comes to medical services, convenience is not always an option without the services of a concierge.

3 – Health fair organizer.

There is a big need for fairs to show doctors and other medical providers what the latest products and services in a certain sector are. By organizing these fairs, you can help be the bridge between manufacturers and the doctors who need to use their products.

If you have good people skills and know how to bring people together then this could be a great way to enter the medical industry without needing to know anything too technical.  The most important knowledge to have to get this off the ground is marketing and how to organize.

Find universities to partner up with and you will have more opportunities than you can handle.