Home Others User Acceptance Testing 101 For Entrepreneurs

User Acceptance Testing 101 For Entrepreneurs


User Acceptance Testing, or UAT, is performed by a client or end-user to verify a software system. Once this phase of testing is complete, the software application is moved to the production environment for final testing (which includes testing the system for integration and function).

UAT is important to validate the complete business flow. The focus of UAT testing is not testing the system, looking for spelling errors or identifying cosmetic issues. A separate testing environment is required for User Acceptance Testing and the data setup mimics the actual production.

This is similar to black-box testing because it involves a minimum of two end-users, who are responsible for performing the testing. Here are the basic steps you need to know about UAT testing for entrepreneurs.

Steps required for UAT.

The intended users of the completed software are directly involved with UAT. User Acceptance Testing can be performed by ensuring the software is available to the end-users through a free beta trial. Another option is putting together an in-house team with the individuals who will be using the software. UAT testing generally occurs using the following steps.


During the planning stages, the strategy for the testing is determined.


The design of the test cases needs to encompass every potential software scenario that may occur when the software is being used in the real world. The software is designed using a simple language to ensure that the testers can easily complete the testing process.

Choosing the software testing team.

The end-users who will be using the software in the real world are selected for the testing team.

Execution and documentation.

User Acceptance Testing is performed by the testing team. In some instances, random tests may be performed. A testing document is used to document all of the bugs and all relevant comments are included in the testing log.

Fixing bugs.

The testing team responds to any bugs that are located during UAT. Final adjustments to the code are made by the software development team.

Signing off.

Once all of the bugs have been fixed, the testing team accepts the software application. This indicates that the software meets the requirements of the users. The software is now ready to be released in the market.

UAT is extremely important because it shows whether the functions of the software are operating properly. When UAT is complete, the user can feel certain that the software will operate correctly under real-world circumstances.

The test plan.

The type and number of end-users are quickly increasing through both departments and platforms. For this reason, numerous businesses are using in-house testing tools to establish user acceptance. Feedback from local users is important since those users will be using the actual software.

The majority of businesses have extremely limited experience when it comes to designing a UAT plan. Local staff is not always able to offer actionable feedback according to the testing results. Many organizations receive benefits for the assistance provided by third-parties for the testing checklist and implementation of the best practices.

The combination of software development requirements, frequent user interactions, and in-house expectations provide both actionable results and reliable UAT testing.

The improved process.

The acceptance testing offered by XBOSoft is performed independently as a third-party. This helps ensure the system that’s delivered meets the business requirements.

The UAT process provides maximum results and value through a four-step methodology. The first step is developing a strategy that details the guidelines and criteria for the business specifications. The ideal testing types can then be determined, including risk aversion.

The next step is defining the acceptance criteria for User Acceptance Testing. Test scenarios are developed using both pass/fail and entry-exit guidelines. Each test includes the option to accept or not accept based on the performance of the software as a whole.

The UAT results include the business value and the specific feature sets for the complete solution. The next step is the development and execution. The expected and actual test results for all cases are documented using the predetermined criteria. This is combined with any issues or defects found.

The final step is signing off. Once the testing has been completed and all issues resolved, a recommendation is provided based on the acceptance of the software. The entire process is meant to ensure that the end-users receive the best possible quality for their needs.