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Time Is On Your Side, Grow Beyond Today


by Joe Curcillo, author of “Getting to ‘US’: Discover the Ability to Lead Your Team to Any Result You Desire

This pandemic has caused many entrepreneurs to hit roadblocks if not come to a screeching halt. This slowdown is the perfect time to revamp your business model and plan through the crisis and into the future.

Crisis Can Teach Us Lessons.

We didn’t talk about “social distancing” a couple of weeks ago. We didn’t talk about washing our hands. Now, suddenly, that is what we are talking. A world unified to achieve a single goal has changed the way we talk, think and work.

People knowing that they can be part of the cure and part of the solution has given them a desire to succeed in beating COVID-19. So, people are very quickly adapting to a new normal and joining the fight for an environment where they are not spreading the disease, not catching the disease, and not sharing the disease. People are working together as one, because the noble purpose is survival.

People were unified and re-trained almost over-night by this pandemic.

Aim to Unite Your Clients, Customers and Associates.

Through-out my career, and in my book, “Getting to ‘US’ I have urged businesses to create a Unifying Vision. One single vision that will unite everyone in your world.

The power of Unifying Vision is that it brings everyone together as one. People need to belong to something that gives them purpose. Something that gives them meaning. When people have a cause to believe in, they will sacrifice and work harder. People will commit when they know they are part of something big, that they have a noble purpose, and that they have a role in the big picture. Everybody wants to be a part of the solution.

People want a better tomorrow. People want to be empowered to be part of a solution. People want to have a role in the betterment of mankind.

Will your Vison Change the World?

The bigger your vision, the more it will change the World. When your vision is big enough, people will commit and change to fulfill your vision and to move in the direction of your dreams. People will enroll in an idea when it is so big that they know that they can be a part of it and that they can find their own noble purpose. Your idea must be so big that it transcends self-interest.

Global changes to fight this pandemic are not all about self. People are protecting themselves, but they’re also very keenly aware of how their interaction with others could spread the disease. People are changing how they visit and travel so that they do not put senior citizens at risk. People are wearing masks, to prevent spreading the disease if they themselves are asymptomatic carriers.

Without massive enforcement measures, people have shut businesses and stayed home because they are unified in this fight.

Today, Amazon shines. Jeff Bezos once had an idea that he wanted a warehouse on the moon. That is powerful big thinking.

That unifying vision is keeping many people alive by daily deliveries of household items and things needed for survival. That kind of vision doesn’t happen every day. It happens through commitment and hard work, but it is fueled when a visionary leader looks into the abyss of fear and says, “I don’t feel this. I don’t feel fear. I want my vision to be so massive that my team and I will be a part of something so big that the world will never see anything like it again.

When we overcome fear, we alter how we live.

Be Ready to Succeed.

This current pandemic is, sadly, a powerful example of what a Unifying Vision can be.  Business leaders need to step back from the panic and learn from the power of this Unifying Vision.

It is amazing how last few weeks have changed our lives. It was so fast, that many haven’t taken considered what these changes have taught us.

If you step back and reinvent your business through this trouble time, you will make it through this pandemic, and you will succeed on the other side. As you reinvent your vision for your business, remember that vision is what will tie all of your people together in a single mobilizing force that will survive anything.

Make sure that your vision is so big that everyone in your company, on your team, and in your world can see their role in your Unifying Vision.


Bestselling author, business coach, lawyer, mentalist and motivational speaker Joe Curcillo helps companies to thrive by focusing on the idea of having a unifying vision. He has helped countless business leaders to improve their effectiveness by adopting and carrying out the mission. He specializes in helping companies to tap into the power of their millennial employees and bridge the gap between generations. He is author of “Getting to ‘US’: Discover the Ability to Lead Your Team to Any Result You Desire“.