Home Others The Best Strategies For Boosting Your Brand’s Instagram In 2020

The Best Strategies For Boosting Your Brand’s Instagram In 2020


Boosting your Instagram presence can seem like a pretty daunting task. Not only does it require knowing how to get attention from people, but doing so in a way that captures and keeps their attention long-term. To capture this trend ourselves, we decided to study some of the best strategies you can use to get your Instagram up and beyond in 2020.

Check out what we learned below:

Make It Apparent What You Stand For.

As your brand has a mission to its purpose, expressing that to your base is crucial. Quite simply, people want to know what your brand and company is about, as well as how you express it. As brands are multi-faceted organizations, they have the potential to hold a lot of principles, driven by an ethos of why their business in the first place. While this doesn’t necessarily mean your business needs to be super serious all of the time, it does mean that you need to have an understanding of what personality it has, as well as when the proper places to speak are.

Make a list of all the things your brand stands for, including political and social issues as well. Before you dive in, it’s smart to know the nuisances of the issues you might discuss within your industry, as well as what your overall company approach to the problem is. Talking about these things beforehand will not only help with planning what to say when the right time comes but also gives a better understanding of where your brand comes from. Take this as an educational opportunity to give you stronger brand principles for years to come.

Know What Tools You Need For Engagement.

For most Instagram accounts, there’s nothing more important than garnering engagement. As the primary metric for discovering if an account is successful or not, engagement is a top-tier essential to have. Regardless if it’s a piece of software to help with tracking likes and comments, bringing on more tools like ViralRace can help quite a bit with Instagram likes and engagement, giving you the boost you need without breaking the bank. 

With the right engagement tools, you’ll not only end up with more likes and comments overall but have a better peace of mind that any piece you post is going to have tremendous more people coming to it from the jump rather than taking the risk on guesswork.

Have A System For Tracking Metrics.

Despite how much we talk about the numbers being important for Instagram, a lot of brands don’t do enough to track their Instagram metrics. In turn, they end up looking at Instagram likes and comments on a small scale, usually only within the time frame of a couple of days to a couple of weeks. 

Instead, to be truly successful on Instagram, you need to be able to look at things from weeks to months ahead, learning what you need to correct as a whole before diving into reiterating again. With enough of a smart system in place, you can start studying what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong with your social efforts, giving you the data you need to start expanding further with your efforts. 

Do Some Research Into Influencers.

Influencers have been all the rage on Instagram in the past couple of years, which it’s easy to see why. As one of the most primary sources for earned media, influencers play a significant role on Instagram, shedding light on a new audience for your brand to consider. And while the ROI can vary, the trick is to find someone who’s going to have the biggest impact on your base in regards to sales.

The biggest thing when hiring an influencer is figuring out what type of return you’re probably going to get. For example, if I’m a new salad restaurant and hire a local influencer that mainly deals with fitness advice, then I might get some traction; versus if I went with someone that was a food influencer for healthy options in the region, my efforts might be more successful. 

The biggest consideration most people should have is what type of return they’re trying to achieve for the price, which with influencers, isn’t necessarily about the follower count, but what type of numbers they’re putting up. 

Partner With Those In Your Industry.

Akin to influencers is also getting into more partnerships, which can help you achieve plenty of new relationships in the industry. Not only will partnerships help in the immediate of getting more followers, but you’ll have that residual reputation of being a brand that one of your favorite brands enjoys. The trick, however, isn’t necessarily just about asking people if they want to link up, but knowing they’re a good fit from the jump.

According to ViralRace, when looking at a partnership, one of the first steps you should consider is if this brand benefits from your input as well. For example, a company like Pepsi would be great to have their name next to, however, it isn’t exactly striving to have smaller independent brands next to them (especially since they already have their customers lined up). 

Instead, going after brands that are within your grasp, honing in on those who will mutually benefit from your presence is much more of a smarter approach. Take the time to get to know those around, and in return, you’ll end up with a much better rate of partnerships with a better return than if not.

Give Yourself A Chance To Retest The Algorithm.

With Instagram’s algorithm changing all the time, it’s important to know what you can do to retest and pivot against it. Although the algorithm isn’t super complicated or requires an intricate, elaborate plan for hacking, it does require you to change up your strategy a little bit. 

After all, Instagram can get stagnant if you keep pushing for the same results, which is why you need to change up when you post, what you post about, and the message behind each. Doing so will not only end up with more engagement but some that’s better quality as well.