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Your Complete Guide To Passing The Verbal Reasoning Test


Verbal reasoning tests assess how you process and respond to written information. Many take the form of a passage of text, followed by questions that determine how well you understood what you’ve read. Typically you answer these questions with a ‘true’, ’false’ or ‘cannot say’ response – although this can vary from test to test. Literacy and verbal logic are two skills that are highly prized by employers, so it pays to be prepared.

That’s why we’ve put together some top tips to help you ace your verbal reasoning test with confidence.

1. Start with the basics.

Before you begin practising mock tests, it’s important to gather as much information about the company you’ll be taking the test for; who are they, what makes them tick, why do you think they want you to take the test? The more you know, the more you’ll build a picture of the type of candidate they’re trying to attract. And as they say, to be forewarned is to be forearmed!

2. Prepare yourself and your space.

There really is no substitute for practice when it comes to verbal reasoning tests. And setting up an environment that works hard for you is one of the best ways you can help yourself get ahead. Try and find a space that’s quiet, well-lit and free from distractions. Make sure you’ve got a glass of water, a pen and paper for any note taking and a timer to help you replicate test conditions. It may seem frivolous, but taking the time to set up a space that’s conducive to success will really help you adopt the right mindset.

3. Ask yourself, what is verbal reasoning?

Getting to grips with what exactly verbal reasoning is, is an important priority. You can find lots of information on verbal reasoning tests, including practice questions and answers at Practice Aptitude Tests.

Essentially you’ll read various passages of text, and answers questions related to what you’ve just read – most of the time with either ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘cannot say.’ This may sound simple, but a time pressure is applied to give employers a clearer idea of how you respond under pressure. Language and comprehension abilities are highly-valued skills that you’ll need to call upon daily, so it’s worth putting time and effort in to prove you have what it takes.

4. Get practising.

The biggest tip we can give is to do as many mock tests as you can; review each one, work out where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and continue to work on the areas you find challenging. You can practice verbal reasoning tests here, and you’ll also find lots of handy tips and tricks, as well as a dashboard to track your progress.

The question formatting can take a little getting used to. For example, for most verbal reasoning tests you can apply the one minute per question rule, but it’s always good to take a few seconds at the beginning of each test to work out how much time you can allocate each question. This stops you getting caught up on anything tricky, and ensures you give yourself the best possible chance of finishing the test on time.

5. Remember the answer is right there in front of you.

The best thing about the verbal reasoning test is you don’t need any prior knowledge of the subject you’re answering questions on – the answer is in the text. So if you’ve practised the test format and understand how to answer the questions, you’ve set yourself up for success. Because there really is no denying the fact that the answer is right there in front of you!

6. Embrace your competitive side.

It might well be hidden deep, but everyone has a competitive side. Using other people’s scores, (or even your own), as a way of judging how you’re doing can help inspire you to practice harder. Although it’s important to have a little perspective with this approach – when you’re first starting out, you’re bound to find the tests more challenging, and if you find yourself feeling despondent when looking at other people’s scores we recommend just judging yourself by your last performance. You’ll be surprised how quickly you improve if you put the time and effort in.

7. Have confidence.

A healthy dose of confidence on the big day can go a long way. If you’ve followed this guide and put the time and effort in, there is no reason why you shouldn’t ace the test on the big day. So take a deep breath, tell yourself you can do it – and then go out there and do it.

So there you have it, a brief round up of everything you need to know to ace your verbal reasoning test. We know you can do it!