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How To Take Your Start-Up To The Next Level


As an ambitious entrepreneur with bags of talent and energy to bring to your fledgling business, you’ll be constantly searching for ways to level-up your business, scaling in a sustainable way in order to gain that all-important foothold in your industry. For months and sometimes even years, start-ups can find themselves delicately balanced upon the cusp of this sustainable position, yet always threatened by the very real risk of financial ruin if events should turn against them.

In this article you’ll discover how to plan to take your start-up decisively into its next phase of operations, with smart strategies to help you find stability after a period of exciting growth.

Planning and Monitoring.

There’s a good deal that can be planned for in start-up processes – though there’s also a lot that you’re going to have to make up as you go along. This tip concerns what you do have control over, for example:

  • Planning your finances and monitoring how they match up to sales figures
  • Planning marketing strategies and monitoring their relative success through web traffic and Google analytics
  • Planning your overall strategy, and making a timeline to motivate you to hit certain deadlines
  • Planning your expansion into new markets, and finding the best ways to do that in each unique context

In business, there’s a lot to be said for being prepared – and knowing where you think your business should be headed, you’ll also know what changes to make in a dynamic and instant nature when problems present themselves.

Building Your Workforce.

You may be nostalgic about the days during which your start-up was just a one-person operation, but there’s always going to be a moment when you need staff. Onboarding staff was once a terribly complex process, involving long periods of reading CVs and conducting interviews with candidates. However, now you can use agencies to take that burden from your back.

A recruitment agency in Bangkok can help you find talent in Thailand to help work on your business – whether that’s remotely from southeast Asia, or by flying over to help you. The same can be said of finding freelancers to help with specific projects with a timeline on them – such as writing your company copy, or designing your company website. These human resources will help you build your business into a more sustainable and professional guise.

Striking Important Deals. 

It’s only with the agreement of important deals with suppliers, clients and customers that you’ll be able to truly establish a source of constant business that’ll guarantee your start-up a certain amount of income each month. With this income guaranteed, you can support more staff, make more investments and spend more time chasing further customers.

Deals can be difficult to strike and can take a lot of your emotional energy in securing. After all, you’re the head of the business, and the deal rests ultimately on your negotiation skills and your ability to sell your company in the best-possible light. But once a deal is struck, you’ll find a concertina effect, with plenty more deals in the pipeline, that can help you really establish your business as a force in the market.

These tips will be of service to start-up entrepreneurs with the guile and the gusto to make their business stick in a complex business environment.