Home Others 3 Healthcare Technologies Vital For Today’s Overburdened Medical Providers

3 Healthcare Technologies Vital For Today’s Overburdened Medical Providers


If there is one thing common in the world of healthcare, it would be the extreme shortage of medical providers across the board. From local GPs to specialists in literally every field of medicine, there are simply not sufficient numbers of providers to meet today’s needs.

Perhaps it’s finally time for medical providers to look to technology for solutions to this growing problem.

1. Internet of Medical Things – SMART Technology.

Just as the IoT, Internet of Things, has made a grand entry into the lives of ordinary people everywhere, so too can the IoMT (Internet of Medical Technology) vastly improve the lives of patients and the efficiency of medical providers.

In the past, it was left to patient observation to monitor daily symptoms that reflected a patient’s state of health. For example, wearables similar to Fitbit can communicate with providers over an Internet connection everything from oxygen and/or glucose levels in the blood to blood pressure and pulse rates. Patients suffering from a huge number of conditions and diseases can be monitored 24/7 in real-time with IoMT SMART technology. A warning alarm is sent to the provider who in turn communicates with patients – a truly time, money, and life-saving technology!

2. Data Collection and Analytics.

Have you ever wondered why your practice is operating over budget or why you aren’t receiving the payments being billed from insurers? Perhaps you are a large HMO and have noticed that your organization has been overpaying claims consistently. This can add up to a huge deficit year on year. Data collection and analytics such as the medical financial software designed and provided by FRG can run seamlessly in the background to ensure you are not being underpaid or overpaying claims.

In fact, if you are keeping up with healthcare finance news you will see this as one of the biggest issues today’s providers are facing along with insufficient providers for patient needs.

3. 5G Mobile Connectivity and Telenurses.

Just as wearables are able to save trips to the doctor’s office, so too is telenursing an up-and-coming technology at work today. Overburdened hospitals, medical clinics, and private practices are often found to be working staff long overtime hours to meet patient needs. Telenursing and 5G mobile technology are key advances in patient care. Now, it is possible for patients to be assessed by mobile nurses and practitioners from their own home. It’s not only convenient for patients but a real lifesaver for medical professionals. Many things can be diagnosed over the phone or with video conferencing and this is practical on both sides of the coin.

The current thrust of technology is leaning towards easing the burden on an industry that is severely understaffed while helping to analyze and drive cost-related data for greater profitability. It isn’t always a matter of charging more for services but locating areas where money is being wasted or misspent. Technology is thought to hold the solutions for literally every problem the medical industry faces from diagnostics to finances. It will be interesting to follow healthcare news as technology continues to advance.