Home Thinking Aloud 5 Signs Entrepreneurship Is Not For You

5 Signs Entrepreneurship Is Not For You


by Angela Civitella, founder of INTINDE

Does being an entrepreneur sounds so sexy to you? Saying you are an entrepreneur makes you sound like you know exactly what you’re doing, right? Of course, it does. After all, as an entrepreneur, everyone knows you are out to make a difference in the world, you have figured out the one thing missing from our everyday lives, and of course, you hold the secret to becoming rich and unforgettable.  If that’s what entrepreneurship means to you, read on and think again.

Let me tell you folks; there is nothing sexy here. Entrepreneurship is an expensive ticket to unbelievably high highs, ridiculous low lows, and you must have blue steel nerves to handle both extremes. This ride, although it sounds sexy, is not for everyone. Hear me? Not for everyone!

Here are five signs that entrepreneurship is not for you.

1. You can’t handle variety-packed days at the office.

One day you’re writing, coding, designing. Then the next… Who knows? You work through lunch most days. Forget about your cushy 9-5, it’s more like 5am-9pm if you want to make it. As the struggle gets even more real, your support system might give up on you. This includes your friends and even your mother. Expect to spend a lot of time alone, in your head. And while some of your entourage may back off, you probably won’t want to be around anyone anyway.

2. You are waiting for a pot of gold.

If you think there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow paying you for all those sleepless nights and your big efforts, think again. In entrepreneurship, your big pay-day might come but it might take quite a while. It’s called earning the right today, to stay in business tomorrow and adaptability is the key.

3. You need a cheerleader to get moving.

Get ready to keep yourself motivated because most of the time you are the only one there to keep yourself accountable. This takes incredible will power. You’ll have to learn to say no when others are going out on a Thursday evening or taking time off for vacation. If you’re used to a corporate job this might be a rude awakening. There’s nobody over your shoulder – amazing! But that also means you don’t have anybody to review your work and give you a stamp of approval for a job well done. You’re on your own to do, to judge, and reward yourself if merited.

4. You aren’t sure what problem you’re solving.

If you aren’t solving a problem, then that’s a problem. And it’s time to get a job. Think of it this way: if what you are building does not make your life better, then it certainly won’t for anyone else either. As the stress kicks in, the world of entrepreneurship can drive you to become myopic. If you aren’t focused on the greater good and building something bigger than yourself, the struggle will be exponential.

5. You’re waiting to shine.

If you’re busy trying to get everyone to like you, chances are, you’re not an entrepreneur. Some entrepreneurs are hated before they are loved, others are thought of to be crazy before they prove themselves. Believe it or not, studies show that teenagers that are anti-social, are more likely to become entrepreneurs. Study the art of persuasion and focus on the end goal, not immediate gratification. If you’re looking for a quick payday, entrepreneurship isn’t for you.

The takeaway.

< p style=”font-weight: 400;”>If these five signs are foreign to you, then you have a great chance at being a successful entrepreneur, no matter what problem you are solving for the world. You most likely understand that failure might happen at some point and you’re comfortable with failing over and over again, because that is all part of the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. But to get through the ups and downs, work on building a strong circle of influence you can depend on filled with friends, family, mentors and coaches who believe in you and your cause.


Angela Civitella is founder of INTINDE, and a certified business leadership coach. She knows firsthand the rollercoaster ride of building a successful business, managing a team and working your way up the never-ending executive ladder. Angela has successfully transitioned from being a middle manager to being a top executive in her field, having taken over a multi-million dollar business and making it thrive. She went on to build a $60million+ international real estate firm, which she actively manages.