Home Others Useful Instagram Tricks Everyone Needs To Know

Useful Instagram Tricks Everyone Needs To Know


Instagram has become one of the most popular social networks in the world, with over 4 billion posts posted every day. Now the number of active users is more than 1 billion per month. And about 35 percent of people are using Instagram several times a day.

If you have never used the platform before or want to become an advanced user, these tricks, additional features, and useful tips will help you bring your skills to another level. To start, we recommend this website for Instagram services. They can help you gain followers, likes, real comments and more!

1. Instagram notifications – Receive notifications when your favorite users publish.

If you do not want to skip publications of your favorite authors, then you can set the notification function every time a certain user publishes new photos. All you need to do is enable notifications for each user individually.

To do this, go to the user’s page, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the publication and select “Enable publication notifications” from the menu that appears.

If you want to turn off notifications, follow the same steps. It should be noted that you must activate notifications from the Instagram application on the phone. Here’s how to do it.

To enable notifications on iPhone / iPad: Go to Settings, then Notifications. Select “Instagram” and enable the “Allow notifications”.

To enable notifications on Android: Go to “Settings”, then select “Applications”, then “Instagram”. Select the function to display notifications.

2. Like photos on Instagram – How to see all the publications that you liked.

Want to see all the posts you’ve liked? All you need to do is go to your profile and click on the “Options” button (the gear icon for iPhone / iPad and the ellipsis on Android and click on “Posts you like”.

To remove publication likes, simply go to the publication and remove the heart icon. Do not worry, the user will not be notified that you removed the like.

3. Instagram collection – Create a selection of saved publications.

In addition to being able to view all the posts you like, Instagram also has the option of saving or bookmarking certain posts in collections that you create.

Go to your profile and click the bookmark icon in the upper right corner of the menu above the photos.

Select “Collections” and click “Create Collections”. For example, you can create collections related to food.

Click the “Finish” checkbox and you can add photos to your collections. To do this, click on the bookmark icon under the publication you want to add.

Then return to your saved photos by following the previous steps. You will see the photos you saved. To add them to the collection, select the collection you want to add and click “Save to collection”.

4. View publications that your friends recently liked or commented on.

When you want to find new people you can follow on Instagram, it’s best to ask your friends. There is a quick way to do this – by looking at the latest likes and comments of the people you follow.

To do this, click on the “heart” icon at the bottom of the main window – the first thing that appears there is a list of likes and comments on your photos. Select the bookmark that says “Following” and you’ll see the activity of the users you follow.

5. View photos without worrying that you accidentally like them.

This is more of a useful trick than a function. If you want to view someone’s photos, but are afraid that you might accidentally like a post you don’t want, scroll through the Instagram feed in Flight mode. Without Internet access, you cannot like a photo, even if you accidentally click on it.

However, photos will not load if you first turn on Flight mode. Therefore, you must first go to the publications feed, and then turn on the “Flight” mode and start flipping.

6. Clear Instagram search history.

Many of us have to erase the search history not only from the browser but also from the popular social network. Fortunately, this is easy to do.

To clear the search history, go to your profile, go to “Options” (the gear button on the iPhone and three dots on Android), scroll down and click “Clear search history”.

Filters on Instagram

7. Filters on Instagram – Reorder the filters and hide those that you are not using.

If you use Instagram a lot, you likely have several favorite filters, while others you never use. To make editing photos easier, set up filters and hide the ones you don’t need.

Add a new photo and start editing. When you get to the filters, scroll right to the very end of the filters page and select “Manage”. To set your filter order, hold the gray lines next to the filter you want to move with your fingers and drag it to the desired location. To hide the filters, uncheck the boxes next to the filter.


In this article, we talked about useful Instagram tips that everyone needs to know. Some of these tips include; How to see all the publications you liked, how to reorder the filters and hide those that you are not using, how to clear your Instagram search history, and how to view the publications that your friends recently liked or commented on. Instagram is a very popular social networking site and you can use it in so many ways, not just for keeping in touch with friends and family! We hope you enjoyed this article.

If you want to learn more about Instagram, just try clicking every button you encounter on every page and you will learn so much. Instagram also has many interesting settings that are great to know about. You can find out more just by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner