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Getting Your Message Across


Communication is at the heart of your business growth. Every business has a story to tell about its services, its customers, and its expertise. However, in a busy market where companies fight for attention, it can be tricky to get noticed. Boosting your brand reputation and awareness is the preferred marketing strategy to raise your impact on your target audience. The idea is that if people know and respect your brand, they are more likely to pay attention to your message. 

However, it’s faulty reasoning. Indeed, building attention and awareness around your brand is a matter of saying the right thing at the right time. In other words, you need to master your communication campaigns to be able to expand your reach. But, it is important to note that your communication platforms can vary greatly depending on the type of message you want to convey. Indeed, it would be foolish to use the same media to share technical information and to build an emotional connection to your audience.

If you want to get noticed and heard, you need to make sure that you can get the most relevant message across every single time. 

Informative and practical: The brochure.

The brochure is an ultimate favourite in the marketing world. However, you need to be careful about your choice of content. Indeed, a brochure is typically distributed in letterboxes to promote the menu of their local takeaways, or on trade shows as a way of introducing company expertise. You will find two different types of brochures that serve distinct purposes. As expert printing company Eazy-print notes, the promotional brochure is a simple folded or unfolded leaflet that is designed to encourage the audience to act. It would be the pizza offers from a takeaway restaurant, for example. Customers can find all the practical info they need to make a purchase. The other popular type of business brochure presents itself as a booklet that showcases your portfolio on a trade show. The purpose, however, is similar, as it is designed to encourage people to get in touch. 

Emotional and engaging; The video.

Video content is appealing, and therefore it’s the perfect media to establish a connection with your audience. Whether you decide to film your customers’ success stories or to introduce your business culture and values, the video offers a personal touch that no other media can add. As a rule of thumb, videos inject more depth to your message. In marketing, they are typically used to add emotion, personality, and sincerity to the message. However, you can also choose to use depth as a tech insight; indeed, videos make complex subjects more accessible. 

Quick and accessible: The website.

Lastly, your website is the first touchpoint on the informative path. Your audience wants a rapid and straightforward answer that doesn’t consume either their time or limited online attention span. User-friendly websites are therefore essential. But, you should also consider crawler-friendly content, such as schema.org markups that breaks down materials into digestible segments for search engines. Structured data is especially effective to make sense of your content and help customers find what they need directly in the SERPs. 

From answering simple questions to encouraging people to act, your content serves a variety of purposes. Finding the most suitable media for each purpose is key to getting your message across. The easiest you make it for your audience to understand your business, the more likely it is for your brand to be remembered.