Home Others Why Your Business Site Needs Good Hosting

Why Your Business Site Needs Good Hosting


Your website represents your company online⁠ — it’s the face of your business. Therefore, having a stunning website is of utmost importance. 

However, merely building a beautiful site isn’t the end of it all. A good-looking website is barely the skin⁠ — the upper layer of its existence on the internet. The real “bones & muscles” (read hosting) are under that layer. And that’s what today’s topic is about.

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to post a website or web page on to the Internet. The quality of your hosting directly affects your business. And here are a few factors to answer the “how”:  

1. Speed.

The internet is filled with options. If you can’t provide excellent customer experience, your competitor will. Stats such as:

  • A 100-millisecond delay in page load time can decrease conversions by 7%,
  • A two-second delay in web page load time increases the bounce rate by 103 percent,

shows the importance of speed in the online world. Moreover, low speed can have adverse effects on SEO too. 

If you didn’t know already, your web hosting contributes to that speed factor as well. Bad hosting can delay requests for up to one second, which means a hurdle in the instant-gratification-wanting-customer’s experience.

On the other hand, quality hosting service can decrease that delay time to 0.3-0.4 ms. Meaning, A few bucks invested in good hosting gives multifold returns.

2. Downtime.

Depending on your business, Downtime can cost you millions. Downtime refers to periods during which a computer system, server or network is shut off or unavailable for use.

A good web hosting can guarantee more than 99.9% uptime. Hosting companies such as Bluehost, Siteground, and DigitalOcean are reliable web-hosting providers, to name a few. Package services like Weebly’s business plan are also well-established authorities.In fact, if you have something like a Weebly coupon, I would suggest to go with the package.

On the other hand, bad hosting providers can switch off their servers for a full day and couldn’t care less.

In a nutshell, “Downtime” is a crucial factor quality hosting services have under control.

3. Backups.

If everything goes downhill, i.e., there’s a problem with your site after updating, someone attacks your site, or simply there’s a server issue, you can expect to build everything ground-up if your site is on bad hosting service provider’s server.

That’s not the case with quality, many-business-rely-upon hosting companies. Good hosting providers take timely backups to be on a safe side. So, if anything goes south, you can contact them and ask to restore the previous version.   

4. Support.

And how do you contact them? That’s where the support comes in!

Good hosting companies have in-house support teams to help and resolve customer queries within minutes. In fact, hosting companies like Namecheap are known for their customer support.

This won’t be the case with cheap hosting providers. You can not expect 24/7 excellent services from them. The best they can offer is provide a solution during working hours. 

That’s the compromise you make when you refrain from paying a few extra to a hosting provider.  

5. Security.

The last thing (in the list of why your business site needs good hosting) goes without saying: Good providers give overall better security & safety.

You can be sure of personal/customer/client’s data safety when it comes to good service providers. Additionally, many of the comparatively-high-charging hosting companies offer a free SSL certificate (meaning a better security and SEO benefit) as well.

In short, a good hosting company provides security which cheap or free ones can’t afford.

Wrapping up.

The core of any online business is powered by hosting. Quality hosting is reliable, secure, scalable, and super-fast. And if you want all these factors supporting your online business, purchasing a good hosting is the only answer. That’s it!