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A Guide To Decluttering Your Home


Clutter is the enemy of a relaxing home. Unfortunately, life gets busy and it’s easy to let clutter pile up over time. If you’re ready to call it quits and get rid of the mess once and for all, you’re taking a step in the right direction. Self-storage companies offer endless advice on decluttering and getting rid of junk, but it can be hard to keep track of all the information.

Here’s a handy guide to help.

Sort and Organize.

This is going to be the biggest part of the process for most people. It’s also what keeps people from getting through the decluttering process in a lot of cases. You need to go through and sort all of the clutter into three major piles or areas:

  • Keep
  • Donate/Sell
  • Trash

Once you have a clearly established “keep” pile, you can then go through and figure out what you actually want to keep at home, and what needs a new storage solution.

Consider Self Storage.

If you’re a minimalist, you might be eager just to get rid of everything that you can. This is fine, but you certainly shouldn’t feel obligated to unload when you’re cleaning up the clutter around the home. If you just need new storage spaces for your seasonal items or items that you don’t use regularly, a self-storage unit could be an affordable solution. Then, things will be stored in a clean, dry environment and out of your way.

Tips for Success.

Decluttering and major cleanouts are often overwhelming. People give up before they’re finished all the time. To avoid becoming one of these folks, make a plan ahead of time and hold yourself accountable. Create a list of actionable steps to help alleviate the clutter. You can also go room-by-room so that you can cross each one off your list as you go. The small accomplishments can make completing the job easier.

If clutter is a problem in your home, self-storage might be just the answer that you need. It’s got all the perks of storing things at home, but with the convenience of being out of sight and still accessible when you need it.