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7 Discipline-Focused Ways To Save More Cash


Everyone wants to save money. The chances are that you have financial goals that you want to achieve at some point in the long or short term, and in order to accomplish those targets, you’re going to need to save as much cash as you can find. While there are plenty of apps, tools, and strategies that can help you figure out how to track your money, there’s one thing that you’ll need more than anything else to ensure your success. That’s discipline.

Ultimately, no matter what else you do to save cash over the years, it’s your discipline levels that will determine whether or not you’re successful. If you can’t stick solidly to your plan, then you’ll struggle to see any positive outcomes from your hard work.

Here are a few ways that you’ll be able to save some money by using discipline to your advantage.

1. Get Rid of your Debts.

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you have to get by in life with no loans at all. Ultimately, you’re going to need to borrow money sometimes to pay for expensive things like cars, and even a new home. The key to success is having a strategy to get rid of that debt as quickly as possible. Pay as much as you can towards your debts each month so you can get financial freedom quickly. Remember that it helps to avoid any loans with huge interest rates and fees too.

2. Establish Some Savings Goals.

Budgeting is hard work. To ensure that you remain disciplined, you’ll need something to keep you motivated on the path to success. Ultimately, being forced to compromise on everything you buy can be difficult at times. Remembering that there’s a positive outcome to the work you’re doing could stop you from falling off the wagon. Set yourself some short and long-term goals that highlight what you’ll be able to accomplish if you stick to your saving strategy. Remind yourself of those goals when the going gets tough.

3. Focus on your Savings.

One of the most important areas that you’ll need to be disciplined in when it comes to managing your money is savings. Before you start spending cash on the things that you “want,” make sure that there’s money set aside for both your long-term goals and the emergencies that could crop up along the way. An emergency savings fund will keep you safe if you end up with extra bills to pay at the end of a month, and you’ve run out of money.

4. Quit Those Bad Habits.

Sometimes, taking a disciplined approach to saving doesn’t just mean learning how to say “no” when you really want to say “yes” to spending. It also means giving up on the bad habits that are costing you a huge amount of cash. If you smoke or drink regularly, then these activities could be seriously draining your bank account. With that in mind, do everything you can to give up on those dangerous habits – even if it means reaching out to a support group for help.

5. Spend to Save.

Being a savvy spender doesn’t always mean that you choose the item that’s the least expensive. Instead, you need to start searching for purchases that give you the most value for your money. For instance, if you know that you can buy a £20 of jeans from a store that will last you about 2 months, or you can get a similar pair of pants for £60 but they’ll last you all year, it might be a good idea to pay the extra in the short-term to save in the long-run. The same is true when it comes to getting deals on bulk products that you’ll always need around the house.

6. Stop Overusing Electricity.

Managing your utilities is one of the easiest discipline-focused ways to save money. Lowering your thermostat a little during the winter or turning it up during the summer can ensure that you don’t over-spend. Instead of relying on electricity, use other methods to stay cool, like having a cold shower, or get warm, like wearing multiple layers. Your bank account will thank you, and you’ll be helping the environment too.

7. Pack your Own Lunches.

Finally, rather than spending £10 a day on your work lunch, pack food that you can take with you each day. This will save you a fortune in expensive meals and coffees with friends. You should only be investing in workplace lunches if they give you an opportunity to grab a promotion or a better job opportunity.