Home Others Your Go-to-Guide For Modern Web Design Structure

Your Go-to-Guide For Modern Web Design Structure


Are you sick and tired of conventional web design styles?

What if I told you there are some sure-fire tips to revamp your site with a user-centric interface, it’s highly effective and simplistic, and requires no technical skills.

Definitely, it’s free…

Seeking for a high-tech web design structure isn’t easy, or hiring designers would cost you hundreds of bucks which you might not prefer.

In this article, I’m going to educate you regarding some practicable web design tips to implement and design your website in a modern structure that viewers demand. You can also get your website revamped from a professional digital marketing agency such as Logo Orbit that is well-versed in catering branding services.

Let’s jump right in, here are 5 utmost tips to consider while designing your website:

Draft Effective Layout Design.

An effective layout design benefits you to identify the ideal placement of content.

You can place the information randomly anywhere.

But, you need to think logically about what your visitors expect. Your website’s layout needs to be aligned in a way that keeps visitors engaged with your website.

Once a visitor lands on your website, he/she must quickly identify the subject of your website, including your market offerings.

So here, let’s break the segment into three basic components:


The top section of the layout which displays site identity and navigations, and is the most valuable part of your website. Pick a flat design interface to make it apparent & fresh to end-user.

When it comes to the navigation bar, it’s the roadmap for your audience to relevant links where they can steer to. Ensure not to puzzle them with a random number of options. Keep it minimal and organize it to be easily accessible.

Content Section.

On every page, specify your offers before content and moreover, describe what makes your products or services unique from competitors.

Quality over quantity for obvious. It’s more often to introduce your expertise rather than variations. Share achievements, and classify each category individually to every page, interlink to suitable sources if possible.


A promising message yet to be displayed, including a copyright statement. Put an expendable number of navigation links at the bottom.

Contact details such as E-mail, Landline, and Customer Support must be added at the base structure. Besides, adding a live chatbox would be a plus.

Focus on Homepage.

Why is the homepage so important?

A homepage is recognized as a significant portion of your website.

Visitors will land to this page, though it must be optimized correctly as it conducts business success. A scattered homepage may ruin possibilities to accomplish your business objectives.

A prosperous homepage must draw potential visitors to your site. It requires to be focused entirely, approaching its audience in a most natural way.

Let’s look into the key elements to be measured for a website homepage:

The Design.

The first impression of your visitors relies on homepage design. If it seems complicated or unappealing, the visitors might have a negative impact.

Website impression can both win your visitors interest, and direct them to learn more about your business or turn them to your competitors.

Moreover, it is recommended to consider dynamic web design, get it personalized to increase engagements, and build trust among the audience.

Simplicity – The Ultimate Sophistication.

Consumers seeking for actual product/service would rather avoid excessive content. Making them confuse with several images, text, and other material could result in bad user experience.

Make sure to remove useless content, make it simple, clean, and be relevant to gain visitor’s interest.

Trust & Credibility.

Identify user preferences, drive research on your niche, and understand what users are looking for?

Adding references, awards, and testimonials to homepage could bring immense attention of your visitors.

Sharing blogs and case studies is an excellent way to engage and bring trust among them.

Drag Visuals to Landing Pages.

“It’s a visual world, and people respond to visuals.” – Joe Sacco

Did You Know?

Infographics can boost your website traffic by 13%.

Compelling visuals help to keep the visitors engaged and directs them to the buying process.

Drafting a message through visual reveals the concept better than words and has possibility of calling visitors to action.

Visuals can do as good a job as texts can do, securing business, and saves your customer’s time. Here are a few ideas to improvise your visual content strategy and bring your website to the next level.

Captivating Graphics.

Eye-catching images/graphics are more appealing among other types of posts and tend to gain more interest. It focuses on obtaining a better idea of what’s behind the message.

Sometimes it is hard to describe a particular product/service through words, though you get a chance to explain via image or graphics to get into visitor’s mind.

Video Content.

Videos are essential and can be used to grab a visitor’s attention. It’s a great source to show your audience what your business is all about.

Make your website look more professional by adding a background video to your homepage, illustrating your prior products/services, although it helps to improve branding.

For instance, you may take inspiration from some top-notch brands website and the way they utilized background video and directed their visitors knowing about their primary services.

Correct Placement of Content.

Not necessary where you put the content, it’s important where people want to see.

For instance, if visitors do not obtain relevant information or material, they habitually leave the site and head back to Google searches.

Landing to your website, visitors hunt for desired content to meet their goals. (Some catchy pickup lines or a featured product)

The primary aim of your content is to influence visitors to stay longer and drive through relevant pages, though it must be precise, compact, and transparent.

Let’s make it broad and break into further segments:


Simply put a line or two, telling visitors, “What they can get?”

This will tend the visitors to get a clear understanding of your website offerings.


Define your heading with a bit more of detail, or “a catchy pickup line” as I discussed above, here you can see an example of combining both to create a winning headline.

Gain Visitor’s Trust.

Why choose you over other industry competitors?

Disclose your skills & experiences and drive them to your portfolio.

All they need is brand satisfaction; here’s where your content turns the game.

Reveal your success story, share your recent work, and put testimonials at the right place.

Drive CTA (Call-To-Action).

The game isn’t over yet!

Next step after going through the content and related sources are driving them to CTA (Call-To-Action), design your site accordingly to prompt immediate customer response.

People are roaming as they are lost, make them visually see where to go.

It can be “Contact us today” or “Start your free trial.”

That’s how a customer decides to move forward to the next step, engaging them actively and guiding to take some action through steps. It tends to build a relationship and win new customers.

Wrapping Up.

Well, you might pull a few elements to work on and assume you’d have a great website!

But the irony is, it won’t work out.

You need to drive all the segments listed above to get an optimal result.

Remember, the aim is to make your website look remarkable that visitors would want to return and make a purchase again.

If your website seems unprofessional and less credible, it can directly affect your traffic and emerging reduction in conversions.

Be ensured to make every effort to design a high-end quality website by implementing each factor explained above.