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Here’s How To Network Like A Pro At Your Next Corporate Event


When you go to a networking event, you may feel as though you’re a small fish in a big pond. You’ll probably feel nervous at the mere thought of talking to other people too.

The main thing that you need to remember here is that everyone else is in the same position that you are, and that as long as you try your best, you are going to come out with a positive result.

Be Yourself.

Networking events are launchpads for relationship building. If you are unable to be yourself, you will be starting off all those new relationships with one big lie.

Don’t be the person that you think other people want you to be, and instead, try and be yourself. This will help you to come out of your shell and it will also help you to build long-lasting relationships that really pay off.

Set some Reasonable Expectations.

When you attend an event, you need to understand what you’re there to do. Is your goal to try and meet more people? Are you trying to connect with one person specifically? Maybe you want to try and find out more about a new company that is launching soon. Either way, you need to have goals because if you don’t then you’ll never be able to measure your success at the event.

Take Notes.

When you have a great conversation with someone, ask for their card. You might also want to take notes regarding your chat as you walk away. When you reconnect with them at a later date, you can then follow-up with more specific points and you can also make conversation flow much easier.

Chat with the Organiser.

One fantastic way for you to know more about an organisation would be for you to chat with the person who is hosting the event. Introduce yourself and also try and ask them if they can help you to meet other attendees. This is a great way for you to try and break the ice.

Treat People with Respect.

It’s not very respectful for you to interrupt someone’s conversation, hand them a card and then walk away. Treat people like you would your friends. Wait for them to finish talking and then approach them. When you do, chat about their company, the reason why they attended the event and even the goals they have. They will appreciate you taking an interest and they will also be much more open to your own story as a result.

Ask Questions.

The only way for you to get to know someone would be for you to ask them questions. Try and be as genuine as you can when you do, and be as open as possible. It is always better to walk away from a conversation with the other person talking more than you. The main reason for this is because they’ll respect you for listening to them, and you’ll come away knowing more about your potential connection than you did before.

Sharing is Caring

If you are willing to share the resources that you have and even your contacts, then this will encourage others to help you in return. Be sincere and also try and give without expecting something back. You need to remember that even though someone might not be able to help you directly, they probably know someone else who can, so this is a very important point that you need to keep in mind. If your focus is to solely sell to other businesses, then it’s well worth looking into a b2b SEO agency.

Don’t Spam your Card.

If you hand your business card to everyone you meet without them asking for it then you might as well be throwing your cards away. If you haven’t built a good enough relationship with someone for them to ask for your card, then keep it in your pocket.

Be Specific.

When explaining to someone what you do, be specific. Outline the benefits and ask them what they can do to help you. If you are looking for work, then don’t be afraid to list a couple of companies that you would like to work with. The more specific you can be, the more chances you have of coming out on top.

Stay Engaged.

When you are talking with someone, make eye contact. Nod your head when you are listening and always make sure that they have your full attention. Small cues like this can go a long way and they can also make the other person feel as though you genuinely care.