Home Others Business Blogging: Why Are You Waiting To Start?

Business Blogging: Why Are You Waiting To Start?


Blogging. It’s become extremely popular in recent years, and while some business owners think blogging is a waste of time or “not for them,” there are plenty of business owners that are seeing the benefit in blogging for their business. When you are speaking to other business owners, you may hear it mentioned how there are many benefits to blogging for their business; perhaps it has even piqued your interest in the past.

Honestly? Blogging should be something that you are interested in for your business – there should be no question. You may think that no one would be interested in what you would have to say, but you’d be surprised.

It’s not just the customers, either. Competitors and prospective clients always check out the blog for a company that they want to go into business with, which means that without one, you could be seriously losing out. The good bit is that you can bring on a web design agency to help you with your blog, so you don’t have to worry about the layout or where it sits on the internet. All you have to worry about is the fact that you don’t yet have a blog – and that’s a problem. You need convincing right now, and we’ve got some of the best reasons that a blog should be a feature for your business.

Reason One: Blogs Bring You Traffic.

Your business website is sleek, slick and just the right color palette to be attractive to the masses. You have social media connected to your site because you know that these buttons bring in web traffic. Now, with a bog, you could be upping your traffic rates. The more traffic you have, the more likely you are to convert visitors to purchasers, and your blog could make all the difference.

Your blog could make a massive difference to your website, and the content that you create can really draw people in. There is a ton of inspiration out there for blogs in different industries. The best thing that you can do is to see what others are up to and go from there.

Reason Two: Social Media Connections.

As you already hopefully know, the best and most successful businesses out there are interactive. They listen when customers complain about a service or a product, they engage on social media and they speak to customers as they would anyone else. Unfortunately, there are many business owners out there that don’t feel social media adds much value. The good news here is that these business owners are wrong, and they are entitled to be incorrect. In the meantime, you need to use your new blog as a way to up your social media game so that you can surge ahead of the companies in your industry that don’t value it. People gravitate to companies on social media, and if you can advertise your blog on your social pages, it will generate more traffic and shares than you could have imagined.

Reason 3: You’ll Start Solving Problems.

Your blog does not have to be about what you’re doing in your company directly. You could write about industry solutions, and you can use it as a platform to answer queries that you receive on Twitter and Facebook. Blogging is your platform to step out of the formal and into the murky informal waters that may have worried you previously. Get active with your viewers, and you can keep your blog simple, effective and attracting more visitors every day.

Reason 4: Influencers Will Pay Attention.

Ah, social media influencers. You may not believe they have much of a pull, but if you gave a celebrity your product and asked them to post about it on Instagram, you’ll have people knocking your door down. For your blog, you can develop relationships with other influencers because it’s a virtual foot in the door to get in front of a new audience. You can create lists of blogs that you want to be connected to, and you can reach out to collaborate with them.

Reason 5: You Gain Notoriety.

With the right content, you could be viewed as an expert in your industry. Your blog will be filled with the proper insight into your industry and with the engaging content and tips for the masses, you are telling people that you are an authority in your field. This is going to make you very popular, and you need to ensure your blog looks right so that you can be “that blog” that people are talking about. It’s not just about being able to brag that you know what you’re doing, it’s also excellent for your business bottom line.

Reason 6: It’s Totally* Free (*ish).

A blog doesn’t have to cost you anything. You can build your own blog on a free and basic platform with no cost to you. However, if you want to create a blog that will have unlimited pages and drop down menus, buttons, and links, then you may need to speak to the right web design agency so that they can help you to build it. You can add as much content as you like this way, and you can also buy your domain name so that no one else can have a stake in your blog name.

Reason 7: You’re Behind If You Don’t Have A Blog.

In a world where people are fickle, you need to be on point. Your business needs to be as trendy as any other out there, and that fickle audience we just mentioned will switch off of you as quickly as they switched on. Blogging is necessary for your content marketing strategies, and without a cleverly written blog, you’re not going to get very far while your competitors will soar ahead.

A blog is the one thing that gives you the chance to have a real voice for your business. Do you really want to miss out?