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Getting People To Engage With Your Website – What You Need To Know


Whatever arena your business is in it will face plenty of competition online. You need to make sure that your website is designed to attract visitors and to engage them. Engagement is the most important aspect of this as you want people to take action when they visit your site and not just decide to look elsewhere.

If people are not taking the actions that you want them to when they visit your website, this means that you need to work harder to optimize your content for engagement. There are several factors that you can consider.

Concentrate on the content you produce.

Simply producing as much content as possible is not a good idea. If you do not have something original, interesting or informative to say people are not going to be interested. Think about what visitors to your site will want to see. Keep up to date with the latest news in your industry and produce your own take on it, create useful instructional posts and provide insights into the way your business works.

Remember to make your content easy to read. Use headings and short paragraphs and remember  that you should not use jargon. Producing content in this way makes your website more engaging to visitors. It also helps your website to feature highly in search engine rankings.

Use high quality images and videos.

The visual elements of your website are important from an engagement point of view. To start with, websites that contain images attract 94% more views than websites without images. You cannot engage people unless they visit your website to begin with so building views is vital. Images that are labelled correctly also help websites to feature highly in search engine rankings.

Interact with people who visit your website.

Visitors to your website want to know that you value them. This is why it’s so important to interact with them. When people comment on your website content you should respond to these comments. Responding in this way helps to build the reputation of your brand and it also attracts more people to your website, through word of mouth and social media sharing.

Make website navigation easy.

People are less likely to engage with your website if they find it hard to navigate. If people cannot find what they are looking for easily they will quickly become disillusioned with your website and move elsewhere. Make use of clear menus and links so that people know exactly where to find the products or services that they need.

Optimise your website for mobile use.

More people visit websites using a mobile device than do so using a desk top or laptop. If you do not have a website which is optimized for use by these people, you risk missing out on engaging with a large number of potential customers. Consider removing unnecessary distractions from your mobile website and make sure that contact and opt-in forms are easy to complete using a mobile device.

These factors can all help you to ensure that people engage with your website when they visit. This means that they are more likely to complete the actions that you want them to, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.