Home Thinking Aloud How Businesses Can Promote A Green Workplace

How Businesses Can Promote A Green Workplace


by Scott Cramer, President of Go Solar Group

Many companies want to create a healthy work environment. The beauty of creating a green workplace, however, is that it promotes long term health.

There are many ways in which you can create a greener work environment. Which steps that are best for you depend on your goals and budget.

Reduce Paper Waste.

One of the cheapest ways to improve the workplace is reducing paper use. Many companies have moved their billing to electronic billing instead of mail.

This is a great way to get started on your green workplace plan. It not only helps the environment, but it also reduces billing costs.

Another way you can reduce paper is by implementing electronic signatures. Paperwork is one of the necessities of business, but if you use electronic signing software the document doesn’t need to be printed.

Scanning documents and then storing them on a secure cloud is another way you can save. Using cloud storage allows you to free up office space and if organized it makes finding the file later fast.

Cut Down on Plastics.

Another way that business can make a difference is through reducing the use of plastics. Many businesses have decided to take a stand for a greener planet by reducing the use of plastic straws. Installing water fountains or refillable water jugs will also reduce your plastic use.

Plastic, however, is hard to stay completely clear of. Plastic containers store or package almost everything. Implementing a plastic recycling program keeps the plastics you do use stay out of land fields and our water.

Reduce or Eliminate your Power Bill.

Energy efficient products will help you save on your power bill while doing your part to help the planet. You can upgrade everything from HVAC lights and windows to your building’s insulation.

If you want to get rid of your power bill you should consider photovoltaics. When you get solar you can lower your power bill to nothing, but a small grid connection fee.

Green Tax Credits for Businesses.

When you install solar on your business you are able to cut down energy bills and decrease air pollution. What most don’t know is that there is also a depreciation tax credit that you can take advantage of as well.

Businesses with solar systems installed can qualify for 5 year depreciation. Qualified systems can get a 100 percent bonus depreciation. This means that your investment in the earth will pay off in more ways than one.

Encouraging Employees to Go Green.

Having a green policy as part of your business model is great. If, however, you can involve your employees it will have a larger impact.

Develop Vision Behind Green Changes.

Creating a green work environment requires teamwork. If you involve your employees they are more likely to support your program.

There are several ways you can get your employees more involved. You can give a presentation that informs them why the company is making changes and how they can help. You can even have them create and implement your green programs.

Inform Employees How Going Green Will Benefit Them.

Sharing facts and implementing simple procedure increases follow through. Many people want to help the planet but have determined that it is too difficult. Making sure your employees are aware of what they can do and its impact is vital to changing behavior.

Becoming an Exemplary Green Company.

Unfortunately, you can’t do everything at once. Becoming a green company means taking steps realistic for your situation. This may mean that you only do one thing, but once you have it down you can work on your next goal.

Set the Example by Implementing Green Practices.

The truth is that the contributions of one company aren’t going to alter the earth. Doing your part, however, does make a difference.

Those that set the example get the ball rolling. Your contributions will inspire others to do their part which will, in turn, impact the earth we live in.

So Many Ways to Go Green.

Because there are so many ways to go green deciding what to do can be challenging. Focusing on one or two projects at a time will make going green more manageable. Take a look at what your resources are and what you are already doing and go from there.


Scott Cramer is President of Go Solar Group, one of the best solar companies in UtahGreen Business has always been a part of Scott’s life. At the age of 11, Scott started a curbside recycling business. After graduating from university, Scott started an energy consulting firm designed to save business owners money and help the environment. Scott has immersed himself in solar since 2009 when he first saw the effect it could have on the lives of others.