Home Advice For The Young At Heart Four New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Set

Four New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Set


by Annalisa Parent, CEO of Laurel Elite Books and author of “Storytelling for Pantsers

With the New Year right around the corner, it’s a great time to start thinking about your resolutions. Everyone should set goals at the beginning of the year, so they have some idea of what it is that they want to accomplish. In other words, by setting goals you will solidify your long-term vision for what it is that you want to achieve. There are some great resolutions for entrepreneurs who want to be in the spotlight this year, starting with publishing a book in their field of expertise.

Every January we get a fresh start, we get a chance to make plans about what we want to complete in the new year,. It’s so important that entrepreneurs make resolutions every January. By getting those goals out of your head and down on paper, you will be one step closer to making them happen.

Many people are skeptical about setting New Year’s resolutions, fearing that they will not see them through. While it’s true that many people do abandon their resolutions within weeks of making them, there are many others who stick with them and are successful in accomplishing what they set out for themselves. You can never accomplish a goal that you don’t take the time to set.

Here are four New Year’s resolutions for entrepreneurs:

1. Write a book.

Every entrepreneur wants to stand out and many long to be in the spotlight. By writing a book in your area of expertise you will solidify your role as an expert and you will be in the spotlight.

2. To work with a professional.

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of self-publishing, and wondering why their book doesn’t sell or reach their target audience. I recommend a publishing house committed to scaling businesses and highlighting expert authority to potential clients.

3. Commit to growth.

If you want to scale, a book can be the most important tool to help you do that. A book will help get you and your business noticed, bring in new customers, and put the stamp of approval that you are an expert in the field.

4. Go beyond your comfort zone.

It’s difficult for people to go beyond their comfort zone. This year, make a commitment to go beyond that comfort zone and see where it leads. Try new things, because you may find they are extremely rewarding and enrich your professional life.

By making business goals for the New Year, you are letting the universe know you are making your success a priority, that you’re willing to invest in your success. It’s time to give your career the time and attention that it deserves. Do that, and you will be very happy and fulfilled with where it leads you along your career path.


Having taught over 100 writing courses, Annalisa Parent has reached countless writers around the world. She offers coaching writing services that have been instrumental in helping writers to go from idea to publishable piece and have the confidence to take their work to the market. She is also the chief executive officer of Laurel Elite Books. and author of “Storytelling for Pantsers: How to Write and Revise Your Novel Without an Outline”.