Home Others 10 Tips For Growing A Trade Contractor Business Start-up

10 Tips For Growing A Trade Contractor Business Start-up


Contractor businesses are the trades involved in a building construction. The specific jobs of contactors are preparation of site, plumbing, doing electrical works, and many others. For one to get a contract in a construction site, he/she ought to have specialized in specific activities. Though some people may apply the backdoor shortcut to get contacts, this may not apply in all sites. Contractors should learn the different types of strategies to use to get as many contracts as possible.

Here are some of the few tips that could help one build a contracting business.

1. Be available.

One of the easiest ways to build trust is by being present in moments when customers want to talk to someone. Customers want reassurance to know that they are dealing with a human being and not some robot connecting them at the other end of the call. Though it is not humanly possible to be present in the office at all times, one should try to at least answer the calls or have someone to do it on your behalf. If this is not possible, one can divert office calls to personal phones and call the customers as soon as possible.

2. Join an industry association.

We have seen that most professionals have unions; for example the doctors and teachers. The same case should apply to contactors. Join an association that helps you grow and also expands your networking. The benefit of joining an industry association is getting recommendations on the products to use and on the issue of charging clients for different jobs. In unity, there is a chance of moving forward.

3. Conduct marketing.

For marketing to happen, you don’t have to get a new client. The purpose of marketing your trade contractor business is to keep the profits running and helping to retain your current customers. In the digital world, one can market through different social media platforms to showcase the activities of your business.

4. Get more funding.

For starters, getting enough money to keep the business running may be tedious. One can also have customers who have delayed the payments and this may lead to financial constraints. However, an individual should not hesitate from getting extra money from loans and other credits. Make sure to have a thorough research on the credit institution. In addition to this, always keep your records in case of such needs.

5. Accept flexibility in your job.

For a contacting job, it doesn’t matter whether one is an expert or an armature. In most instances, contractors have not specialized in all areas. That is why they may need to call in other specialists to do another job. However, don’t be the kind that calls for extra hands in all extras. An example is repairing a broken water pipe when one is an electrician.

6. Hire people who are more knowledgeable than you.

By hiring a group of people with more skills and knowledge on a particular job, one gets to trust them with the job even in your absence. The other advantage is learning more from them throughout the job process.

7. Outsource if need be.

Sometimes one may get engaged with different contracts. Never overburden yourself in the name of killing two birds with one stone. You can decide to give the contract to another contractor. The same way, you cannot handle finances, personnel management, and be the manager at the same time.

8. Always be prepared.

As a contractor you need to be prepared right from the proposal. This includes including emergency money for faults that may come along the way. In the end, you don’t want to lose wither way.

9. Stay small until you rise.

Some contractors want to prove a point despite having a small business. That is why some hire more workers compared to the profits coming in. one should learn to keep to their lanes; do what you are capable of instead of straining too hard.

10. Don’t be available to all customers.

Truth is; some customers are better than others. Some customers are pure headaches. Have prior research on the customer before agreeing to their proposals. Your fellow contractors can help you in this.


Crontactor businesses give one an opportunity to make a lot of money. However, one should be careful with their dealings to prevent getting on the wrong side of the law. You should know that providing quality services give you a chance to get more customers since the building does most of the advertisement for you.