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Why Startups Are Good For You


When thinking about jobs and security, it might be quite tempting to imagine yourself climbing the corporate ladder. Needless to say, in this setup, you will most likely work within a very particular system, and you will be expected to reach out for very particular goals and perhaps even have to take on a specific company culture.

To many, this might feel okay, like there’s really nothing wrong with it. And so, as a result, there are quite a number of people who choose to devote their entire lives to the large companies, the kind that really give the impression of longevity, because at the end of the day, when it comes to career life, you think the only thing you’ll ever want is a place at the top.

But of course, you know this isn’t the complete picture.

You see, if you understand that there’s more to life than just the need to fuel your ambition, if you understand that life is something that needs to meaningful rather than just being financially abundant, then you’ll also be more than willing to acknowledge that maybe, not all the answers lie in a corporate setup.

Maybe, a startup is good idea for you. Here’s why.

It’s a culture of responsibility.

When you join a startup or you begin a startup, you’re basically telling yourself to be more responsible. Why is this, you might ask? Well, if you think about it, when you begin a startup, you can look forward to the fact that you are your own boss. Contrary to the experience of when you work for a company like HP technology, you will only have your own self (and your best friends, perhaps, with whom you’ve built your startup business) to rely and depend on.

That being said, that actually means you get to exercise more responsibility in the way you run your startup. At the same time, you also get to exercise more freedom in the way you think up various solutions to the specific problems to which you direct your startup. What this means is that the startup you build is actually helping you to be more accountable, not just in business, but in the rest of your life, as well.

It’s an opportunity for more opportunities.

What will you get to do when you get into a startup? At best, you’ll actually be engaging with those many other startups like yourself, people who think the way you do, people who also orient themselves towards the overwhelming need to address problems that are present in society.

Now, with these opportunities to engage with like-minded people, what would you expect as the result? Very basically, you’ll also have even more opportunities to bring your ideas to life in your own startup business, particularly because other startups will be more than ready to help you in many things, such as promotions, product trials, and other similar matters.

It’s an invitation for real innovation. 

When you visit AliExpress what do you notice? It’s much like a site that actually has everything you need, right? You can think of AliExpress as something that began as a startup, too. It probably started with a single person who had a vision. “What if there was one place online where I could get all my gadget needs (and then some?)” From this vision, there was probably a gradual but sure expansion. What started out as an improbable and crazy idea was actually fleshed out as the AliExpress that you know today.

Such is the nature of startups. It all begins with a seed of creativity and vision. It begins with the capacity to look around you, see what’s problematic, or in other words, to be able to identify one specific point of irritation. What is it that irks you? As you identify this, this now becomes an invitation to do something further; given that that’s your point of irritation, what would you do to remove it? And what would it take for you to begin the solution now? Therein lies the seeds of innovation, and they are best found in the startup culture.

It’s your chance to work in an refreshing atmosphere.

Here’s a picture of how people in startups work. While people in the corporate atmosphere have to endure corporate suits and burdensome shoes, people in startups get to wear whatever they’re comfortable wearing to work. In startups, too, you don’t have to think about where you’re going to have your next meal, because most startups have this as one of their best perks.

Given this refreshing atmosphere, what you’ll understand about the startup culture is that more than your skills, your looks, and your output, the real resource in the company is you – your unique personhood is what you’re bringing to the company, so it’s also the best version of that you that should always be nurtured.

With these above reasons, it’s safe to say why young adults are slowly making the shift from corporate ladder to startup culture. Maybe you should think about it, too.