Home Others Best Tips To Get Awards For Your Start-Up For Better Publicity

Best Tips To Get Awards For Your Start-Up For Better Publicity


As a start-up company, you want to do everything for your business to grow. It’s not easy to achieve that, especially if nobody knows who you are. It is essential that people know you so they can patronize the services or products you are offering.

An excellent way to get people to know you is by receiving trophies and awards. Getting recognized by award-giving bodies in your industry means that you are one of those that excel in your field. It will help build trust with your potential clients and future employees.

People rate businesses based on the opinion of the customers, which is why customer reviews significantly affect people’s decision-making process. If you have a positive reputation thanks to good publicity, expect that your business will grow.

Here are a few tips that may help you reach success:

Look for Award Opportunities You Can Enter.

It’s not as easy as it seems. You can’t just go applying for every award contest you come across. This is the most crucial step because you have to be able to identify which award opportunity will bring good publicity to your business.

Don’t just wait around for them to contact you. Since you are a start-up, it’s highly likely that they don’t know who you are yet. Actively search for them; visit their website so you know when they will be holding an awards event. You can also follow them on their social media accounts so you get updates for their upcoming events.

Define Their Objectives.

Before choosing a winner, award-giving bodies set criteria for whoever deserves the win. They have certain standards that they look for in a worthy winner. A start-up company, like yours, isn’t as established as the big companies just yet. You still have a long way to go before anyone, including the award-giving bodies, recognizes your brand.

When you know which standards you have to live up to, you could create strategies that will ensure you the win. Make sure that the category you apply for is in line with the kind of work you do. It won’t make much of a difference if you win an award that is irrelevant to your business.

Set Your Goals.

Entering award contests is a good way for you to show them what you got. After you have identified their criteria, you have to work hard on meeting those standards. You have to put in the effort to deserve to win.

Think of your people, customers, clients, employees, and business partners alike. WIll your customers and clients care if you win this award? Will they have a higher opinion about your business? Will your employees stay motivated for bagging that win? Will your business partners be impressed with the recognition you receive? Think about the answers to those.

Think in Advance.

Submit your application early. Though deadlines may be far ahead, it’s best to have enough time to get everything ready. You don’t want to rush the work you need to do because it could negatively affect the quality of your work. And, if you do submit early, remember not to slack off.

Also, some award-giving bodies have entry fees. If you submit on time, then you will only pay the reasonable amount, but if you’re late, some may charge extra fees. You may also get discounts if you submit way ahead of time. It is vital that you still manage your finances so as to not compromise the business, which could lead to the failure of your start-up.

What to Do After You Win?

Even if you don’t win, being selected is still a good opportunity for you to promote your business. If there is an official nominee logo, you could add that to your marketing strategies. Put it on your company website, press releases, brochures, print ads, advertisements, social media profiles, and whatever marketing materials you have. If you win, of course, you should put it on all of those too, including displaying your trophy or plaque in a prominent spot in your office.

You could also gather all your employees and have a little celebration. It will help boost morale within the office. It may inspire them to work harder to prove that you truly deserved the award. You will probably have to work harder now too because you can expect more clients and customers that may show interest in your business.