Home Others Six Innovation Ideas For Startups In The Real Estate Business

Six Innovation Ideas For Startups In The Real Estate Business


“I view real estate as the most intriguing opportunity that I’ve seen in my business lifetime.” – Richard Rainwater

Real estate has beenone of the most hyped and profitable businesses of modern India since the last 30 years.

The immense potential of such a business can have proof from the market dominance it has. Spreading to international borders, real estate businesses have touched the pinnacle of success onto a whole new level.

One of the biggest names in the real-estate business is Sanjay Jhunjhunwala, the CEO of Mani Group. Mani Group is a brand that has created a notable uproar in the real-estate business and shall successfully continue to do so in the coming days as well. Seeing such massive growth and with profit rates soaring high, many young talented Indians want to delve deeper and aspire to set themselves as successful examples in the future ahead.

The success story of Mani Group has led to the formation of many innovative and unique ideas for a start-up in the Real Estate Business. Here are 6 innovative ideas for all those who want to try out their best and churn the potential they bear within themselves to become the next success story of India.

The smart idea of property shifting.

Sounds new? Well, it isn’t actually!

Property shifting is one of the most intriguing real estate business ideas that is steadily growing and is now beginning to appeal to real estate business magnets as well.

So, what exactly is property shifting? Shifting or sending goods, furniture, decor, household items, house shifting, store shifting, are executed by professional property shifting businesspersons. The revenues can be really high since you have the combined profit potentials of the logistics business too.

The business of property babysitting!

Multiple house owners find it really cumbersome to look after every property and desire to hire professional property maintenance people.

Birthing out from such demand, property maintenance business is much into the limelight and has stood out as a prospective start-up real estate business idea.  People who live abroad and have their ancestral homes in India can be major clients for such a business and the deal, therefore, would not be that hard to crack.

The easy way of selling or leasing out spaces.

This is primarily the most fundamental profiting business you can have. Offering lease options to offices, event organizers, and business projects can earn you constant high revenues without much investment headaches. With the golden opportunity of renting out available places to supermarkets and big retail companies, you can soar up the profit numbers in real time.

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala, CEO of Mani Group adds such lucrative real estate business ideas and therefore proves to be a true leader and seasoned real estate business personnel in the sector.

Capture the profiting picture of the real estate business!

According to a trusted and reliable survey done on new vistas of real estate business, it was interestingly found out that real estate photography is a booming sensation and has been shaping up as a lucrative business idea.

Who doesn’t loves to flip through attractive photographs? All of us do and exactly keeping this idea in mind real estate photography business is much in trend and serves as a delectable cover story for brochures, magazines, and online websites.

The remodeling and re-beautification of property.

Themed or art houses appeal to modern India house owners in an encouraging way. The idea of infusing creativity with core real estate business, have resulted in property makeover business plans. Not only houses but hotels, restaurants, resorts, famous photo locations have proven to be great clients for property makeover businesses.

Magnifying best property for property searchers!

The hectic and tiresome venture of finding the best property with concerns to price, location, the budget can be well interpreted. Helping property searchers to find their ideal property can be a money spinning business. Not to be confused with property brokering, property searching business is much more flexible and comfortable for clients as well.

For example, if a prospective client is looking for the best property in Calcutta you will collaborate with Mani Group and help your client by finding the best property that they are looking for.

Bottom line – With the technological drive racing ahead in this country, the startup growth seems to be even more motivating. More and more innovative ideas are encouraged for creating unique solutions that help this country to be a better place to live in!