Home Ideaspotting Easy And Cost-Effective Ideas To Start A Backyard Business

Easy And Cost-Effective Ideas To Start A Backyard Business


We’ve all carried out assorted hobby projects in our backyards – vegetable gardening, crafting décor from reclaimed junk, even constructing elaborate treehouses for our kids – but have you ever stopped for a moment and wondered if all the empty real estate that is your backyard, could be used for satisfying more than just your hobbies.

That’s right, many money savvy individuals have realized that their backyards have the potential to generate revenue! Here are some backyard business ideas that you can have up and running in no time:

Vegetable and herb farming.

This really is the most obvious application of your backyard that can help you raise a respectable amount of cash. Although it requires some know-how of botany, if you’re already done this as a hobby, you should have no trouble scaling the products to a profitable level. Remember that people are increasingly leaning towards organic produce, and your neighbors could become your first customers, particularly if you live in an upscale area!

Potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, turnips – the list of veggies that you can grow in your backyard is quite long – and the same goes for herbs (sage, thyme, parsley, mint off the top of my head). Even if you get harsh, dark winters, you could set up a sheltered shed in your backyard, and grow vegetables under artificial lighting with the help of the best grow lights in the market.


If you’re not afraid of a sting or two once in a while, this is a financially lucrative yet low investment possibility for a backyard business. Beekeeping has been going on for millennia – the product being the delicious honey they create for their young. You’ll need to invest in the bee house, as well as protective clothing for your body that lets you safely handle the bees.

Naturally, your yard should be spacious enough to ensure that the bees do not become a nuisance for others, and the air in your area should be free of pollutants – ideally, a large backyard in the countryside works great for beekeeping, but you can get away with a bee house or two in a suburb as well, provided your neighbors are happy. Before you proceed – make sure that you’re not allergic to bee stings.

Event space.

This business idea requires little input on your part, provided you’ve got a decent looking yard already – even if you don’t, you only need to put in some effort to spruce it up once, and you’ve got an event space ready to be rented out to anyone who needs it.

Spacious yards with flowerbeds (and preferably a gazebo) make for ideal marriage venues, but even if you lack these aesthetic enhancements, you can always make money by renting it out to parents who want a large party for their kid’s birthday.

Livestock farming.

If you’ve got some farming experience (or would like to gain some in your spare time), rearing livestock can be a good use of your backyard. Beginners should start small with a few hens that produce eggs which can be sold at the local farmers’ market.

As you become more experienced (and gain some capital), you could consider keeping goats for milk, or sheep for their wool. Naturally, keeping any sort of animal in your backyard will require you to get your hands dirty.

If you’re not comfortable dealing with birds and mammals in your yard, you could simply start raising fish – these have the advantage of not making any noise or producing waste in such quantities that it becomes noticeable for your neighbors. Even if you haven’t got a natural pond, this can be done in artificial tanks. These can be sold as pets or for their edible parts, depending on the kind your raise.

Yoga instruction.

This is another low cost backyard business that you could run if you have some knowledge of fitness instruction. The most you would have to invest in would be some yoga mats for your students. Aside from the money you earn, you would also be ensuring your own fitness.

On a related note, it is also possible to teach martial arts classes in your backyard – and it may be fun to set up your mini-dojo while you’re at it.

These are but a few ways to monetize your backyard – ultimately, it comes down to how you are able to creatively transform a backyard interest into a feasible, marketable product  – if your idea is good enough, who knows, you may become successful enough to hook up with an investor.

A word of caution for budding backyard entrepreneurs – if you’re serious about growing a business from your backyard, make sure that you go through the proper channels: this means checking for regulations for your line of business (health, safety, sanitary, neighborly etc.), as well as keeping books like any storefront entrepreneur would,