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5 Ways To Build Interest In Your Startup Before Launch


Building interest in a brand before it launches is important. The more excited your potential customers are about your brand, the more likely they will be to buy your products or services when they officially launch.

Here are five effective ways to build interest in your start-up before you launch.

1. Connect with Influencers.

Once you have determined your target market and their interests, you need to figure out how to reach them on a level that really engages them. Connecting with influencers is a great way to accomplish this goal.

Influencers have the power to shift the public’s perception about your brand. These can include politicians, bloggers, journalists, educators and even other business owners.

The earlier you can get influencers on board, the better.

2. Hold Giveaways and Contests.

Everyone loves a good contest or giveaway. Give potential customers some motivation to sign up early. Doing so will allow you to start building a rapport early on while keeping your costs down.

Giving away products through a contest or giveaway will also give winners a chance to get familiar with your product and spread word about it to their friends.

But in order for the promotion to be successful, it must have a clearly defined goal. Is your purpose to:

  • Raise awareness?
  • Generate more leads?
  • Demonstrate your brand’s missions and values?

Make sure that your giveaway has a clear and meaningful goal going into it.

3. Host a Launch Event.

Generate some buzz and hype for your brand by hosting a launch event. Just like with contests and giveaways, your event needs to have a clear purpose. And you need to invite the right people. In addition to members of your target audience, you also want influencers and journalists in attendance.

Along with food and music, you may also want to have games or a photo booth. Photo booths are particularly popular at launch events because people share their pictures on social media along your brand.

As The Wow Factor, an events organizer, explains, photo booths can often be wrapped in brand information, which helps build awareness.

When planning the food, games and whatever else you want to include, be sure that you keep your target audience in mind and cater to their tastes.

4. Create a Webpage and Sign-Up Form.

Before your brand launches, create a pre-launch website and a sign-up form. This will allow you to get a jumpstart on your list and create an aura of intrigue. It will also give you the chance to gauge customer interest early on – before you’ve officially launched.

Make the pre-launch page as simple as possible, and make sure there’s a clear call to action included.

In the months and weeks leading up to your launch, try not to give away too many details about your service or product. Build up suspense. The more information you give, the less excited your target audience will be about the launch.

5. Create a Story for Your Brand.

Every brand needs a story. What’s yours? If you have a unique one, that can certainly generate interest in your company.

When building your brand’s story, make sure that you empathize with your audience’s emotions. Simplify your story, and make sure that you tell the same story everywhere.