Home Interviews Meet The Founder Of Empower Cocktails, Tiffany Hall

[Interview] Meet The Founder Of Empower Cocktails, Tiffany Hall


In an industry that primarily targets men — leaving women out as an afterthought — Empower Cocktails is disrupting the distilled beverages market as a woman-owned company that puts women’s empowerment at the heart of their mission.  While cocktails are the face of the Empower Cocktails brand, its greater intention of serving women is at heart.

Empower Cocktails CEO, Tiffany Hall has not only begun to fill that space in beverages, but she has also utilized the Empower Cocktails platform to partner with several non-profits that champion women’s initiatives including the Voss Foundation, Dress for Success Boston, Kicked it in Heels and the Metro-Manhattan Community Foundation to name a few.

Following a whirlwind of major cocktail impact, Hall opens up about running Empower Cocktails, how it’s empowered her as an entrepreneur, and how her dreams have fueled her for living her life purpose:

What fuels you in your work as the CEO of Empower Cocktails?

TH: The Empower Cocktails brand was a dream of mine. I am amazed and grateful for how this vision has manifested. Seeing people purchase our spirits every day and watching as distribution continues to grow, motivates me to continue to deliver a great product.

How has Empower Cocktails empowered you as an entrepreneur?

TH: Empower Cocktails is my first entrepreneurial venture.  The brand has empowered me to believe that with unwavering focus and determination — as well as a supportive network of family, friends and work colleagues — anything is possible. As the CEO of Empower Cocktails, I learn new things about managing the business each day. It has helped me become a more confident business woman.

What do you hope will be Empower Cocktails’ legacy?

TH: I hope it serves as an example to big beverage companies that women deserve to have products that they identify with and should have multiple choices for consumption. Making these changes in major industries shifts how we see ourselves, and how products are marketed. Empower Cocktails will continue to be a change-maker. As a woman CEO, I also want to leave a legacy that empowers women to pursue and achieve their dreams in the entrepreneurial space and beyond.

How have movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp inspired you as a leader?

TH: As I continue to build the Empower Cocktails staff, these important movements encourage me to ensure that all employees feel safe and a part of a healthy environment free of harassment and fear. Empower Cocktails is a safe space that empowers all employees to speak their truth.

What were your dreams as a young woman?

TH: I had very specific dreams about the career path I wanted, whether it be going into law, marketing or business. But I’ve always known that my life’s purpose was to empower women and have an impact on my community. No matter what job roles I’ve taken in life I knew that would always be part of what I do. As the CEO of Empower Cocktails, it’s now everything I do.