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Do You Need To Apply For A New EIN For The Same Business


As a business owner, your business will see many changes over the years. One question you might be curious about is whether or not you will need to apply for a new EIN. The short answer to that question is yes, you might, but only depending on the circumstances of the situation.

Here are a few reasons why you might find yourself once again having to apply for EIN.

Corporate Businesses

As a corporation, you are very likely to see changes in your business structure. You will need to apply for a new Wisconsin EIN if your corporation is merged with another corporation and a new corporation is formed after a merge, the secretary of state assigns you a new chapter, or you decide to move from corporate status to sole proprietorship.

Small Businesses/Sole Proprietors

On the flip side of corporations, if you are a small business owner or sole proprietor, your business will need a new EIN number should any of the following circumstances occur: you incorporate your current business, you file for bankruptcy, or if you change your business format to that of a partnership rather than sole proprietor.

Other Circumstances

Of course, there are always other circumstances that do not fall under the two common categories above. Some of those circumstances could include partnerships deciding to incorporate or being taken over by new partners. Trusts and Estates are also due for a new EIN in some situations. If the trustee in a trust is changed and moved to a new trustee or the name or address of the trustee is changed at any time, a new EIN must be obtained. As for estates, a new EIN is needed when a trust has been created from the estate or the estate is run as a business.

Whatever your situation, IRS-EIN-Tax-ID is here to help with any changes that come your way!