Home Resources Finding The Right Amazon Marketing Service Expert: What To Expect

Finding The Right Amazon Marketing Service Expert: What To Expect


If you’re new to selling products on Amazon, chances are you might be in the “I don’t know” phase. If this is true, then you’ll need to do some research and determine what it needs make your product successful.

Here are 4 things you should look into when seeking amazon marketing services experts.

Your Expert Should Be Ranking Your Page.

Amazon marketing services experts have one main goal, to bring traffic to your page. If they aren’t increasing your site’s page rankings, then they aren’t worth your money. Keep in mind; Amazon has a different SEO foundation than Google. That’s because when shoppers look for products, they tend to search on Amazon instead of Google.

This means that Amazon is a search engine and needs to be ranked. If you can’t view Amazon that way or your consultant is hasn’t advised you to view Amazon that way, then you will limit yourself in sales.

A9 is Amazon’s main search ranking algorithm. As we’ve stated before, there is a myriad of factors that go into determining product rank; but there are experts out there who learned some of these ranking factors by experience.

If your consultant is unable to rank your products, then you should consider looking elsewhere.

Make Sure They Abide by Amazon’s Rules.

When it comes to rules, it’s important to remember that incentivized rules are prohibited on Amazon. This means that you can’t offer users something in return for writing a good review. If Amazon catches you doing this, they will remove your account immediately. On some occasions, you might have to appear in court.

You have to think about this when consulting amazon marketing services experts. In fact, they should know all the rules that are related to selling products on Amazon and make sure that they abide by them.

Creating Customer-Focused Services.

When it comes to selling products on Amazon, your business value is based on the quality of your customer service. Your expert needs to understand that and advise you to go the extra mile in order to keep your customers happy.

If you’re interviewing an expert and they give off a vibe that they want to just maximize profits without keeping your customers in mind, find another consultant. You might obtain short-term wins through quick marketing procedures, but it won’t do any long-term favors for your brand.

Increasing Brand Recognition.

Your brand is what drives your customers to buy your products. Amazon is a jungle filled with competitors. That’s why you need to make your brand stand out and appear better than the rest.

If you try to meet your competition by lowering the price (which is a common marketing mistake), then you risk getting in a price war with your competitors. Usually, the winner is the Amazon business that has the lowest price.

You do not want this to happen. That’s why you need to contact a consultant that can help advertise your brand and make it appealing to your audience.


Your site needs to be optimized by an expert whose qualified, experienced, and reliable. If possible, pay for one who values quality over quantity and can get the site completed. Doing so will increase your profits and have consumers interested in your brand in the long term.