Home Thinking Aloud How A Document Management System Brings Better Talent To Your Business

How A Document Management System Brings Better Talent To Your Business


by Jesse Wood, CEO of eFileCabinet

In the world of HR, one of the biggest battles is finding and hiring exceptional employees. Bringing talented individuals into your company makes a huge impact on whether your business thrives or fails, but those very employees you want are likely being pursued by other employers as well, so how can you entice that exceptional talent into joining your team?

These days, it’s about a lot more than just a higher salary (though that is certainly always a factor). As the millennials join the workforce, they are looking for other perks and benefits that your company can offer in order to tip the scales in your favor.

A DMS can help you to offer those perks they’re looking for, and here’s how:


For the millennial worker, flexibility in work schedule is more important than ever before. Though many of them are still willing to work a standard 9 – 5 shift, they want to know that they have some flexibility to work remotely if necessary. Telecommuting (or at least the option of it in certain situations) makes your company much more enticing to a talented employee.

Document management software (DMS) makes it easy for employees to access the information and records they need in order to do their jobs, regardless of whether they’re in the office or not. With this software in your office, you can make telecommuting an option when your employees need it, such as when they have a family emergency or are recovering from an illness. Not only is it a big perk that helps keep them happy while working for your company, but it prevents you from losing out on potential productivity when your employees can’t make it to the office.

Modern Tools.

Millennials are all about the latest and greatest in technology. They want the newest models of phones, laptops, and other electronics that are designed to make their lives simpler and easier. Their work lives are no exception to this. They want to know that they have advanced, modern tools to make their jobs simpler, and DMS is one of those tools.

This software has remarkable technology that saves your employees from wasting time on tedious or repetitive tasks. Instead, they can focus their ample talent on more important matters. They’ll be happier with their jobs, and your business will see higher levels of productivity to boot.

Higher Salary Potential.

As we’ve mentioned, higher salary is always a point of enticement when you’re trying to bring in a talented employee. Document management software can save your business thousands of dollars every year in wasted employee time, supply costs, etc. These cost savings can give you the ability to offer a higher salary to a candidate that you really want working with your team. This can be just the push you need to tip the scales in your favor and get that talent working for you.

Being able to offer these sorts of perks to a highly talented candidate can make all the difference in building an exceptional team of employees for your business. Combine that dream team with the other incredible benefits offered by document management software, and your business will be well on its way to the top.


Jesse Wood is the CEO of document management software vendor, eFileCabinet. Founded in 2001, eFileCabinet, Inc. began as a cutting-edge tool to digitally store records in accounting firms. As it grew in popularity, eFileCabinet developed into a full-fledged electronic document management solution designed to help organizations automate redundant processes, ensure security, and solve common office problems.