Home Others Top Tips For Planning The Perfect Event

Top Tips For Planning The Perfect Event


Event marketing

Are you a company owner that is looking to host an event to launch a new product or service? Have you been tasked by your employer to set up an event to host all the best speakers on a particular subject?

There is no doubt that holding such an event takes a lot of organization and hard work. It isn’t just the logistics of where you will hold the event, it is also trying to arrange the speakers and any catering that will be laid on for the day.

It can be easy to overlook something and only realize when it is too late to do anything about it. There are, however, a few things that you can do to help you organize the perfect event:

Objectives and Goals for the Event.

One of the first things you need to do is to sit down and work out what the purpose of the event is and what you want to achieve from it. It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many people go into arranging an event without such ideas.

The answers you get from this brainstorming session will determine what you need to do in order to achieve your goals. It will also identify any areas that might be too much to arrange in the time provided.

You need to start the planning process for this type of event well in advance, especially if you want to have speakers who are popular as they become booked up.

Arrange a Team if You Have One.

You might not be able to arrange a team of people to help you, however, the prospect of organizing such events without help is extremely difficult. You need to have at least a couple of people who can help to contact suppliers and others on your behalf to take the work load off you.

Ideally, you should organize an event manager which maybe you, then you need to appoint others as part of a committee to organize the rest.

Think about the areas you need help to arrange, these could include venue management, speakers, entertainment, publicity, sponsors and volunteers to run the event. If you can get one person to arrange each of those areas, then you will be in a better position.

Set a Date for the Event with Plenty of Time.

If this is an event that happens every year, then you will know when you need to start working, however, if this is a new event, then planning a date is crucial. There are a few things that need to be kept in mind before you start planning.

When thinking of a date, you want to have at least 4-6 months planning time before the day. It will give you not only time to plan the event, but also time for any last-minute problems that may arise.

Think about when you are booking the event; it might be that it clashes with a religious or statutory holiday. You want to avoid those, as it might be inconvenient for you guests or the speakers to attend.

You also want to avoid things like school holidays, because not only will venues be booked for other events around that time, but you might again face issues with speakers. In the end, if you do book around those times, then this is ok, as long as you understand the potential issues it might produce.

Once the date is penciled in, you can start approaching the speakers to see if they are all free at the same time. It might be a good idea to have two or three possible dates in mind so you can be a little flexible.

Arrange the Technology and Publications.

Once you have arranged the speakers and decided on a date for the event, you can start to think about the event brochure or list of things that will be taking place on the day. People who come to the event, want something that they can use to choose who they want to see and when.

A good way to arrange this is by using an event planning software such as the one provided by I Build App. This is something your guests can download and use while they are there. The advantage of this type of app is that it can be changed easily right up to the day itself without any additional printing or cost.

You will also want to think about other technology you will be needing at the event including monitors, projectors or other entertainment. On some occasions, the venue will have the equipment you need, but it is always best to check just in case.

Branding Your Event.

If you want your event to stand out from the rest, you need to think of something to use a branding. You want a brand and a message that will portray what your event is about and how it is different from others.

To start with, think about a name for the event. You want it to be catchy and descriptive so that people will know straight away what they will see. You can also have a tag line that will describe what the event is about in a catchy way.

You might also want to have an event logo that you can use to promote the event in the media. You can also use it o event merchandise like t-shirts, water bottles, and bags. If you give these away at the event, then it will be a little free advertising for the next one.

When you have finally completed all the essential details of the event, you can concentrate on other parts such as a seating plan and the catering if you are going to have any. With good promotion and organization, there is no reason why your event shouldn’t be a success. Then you will be ready to do it all again the next year.