Home Others First Impressions – The Importance Of Storefront Design In Attracting Customers

First Impressions – The Importance Of Storefront Design In Attracting Customers


retail window

Like in any new relationship first impressions count, only one shot to make a great one. As a business, this step is critical in the acquisition of new customers. Customers today, in most cases, have multiple choices when looking to buy a product. So, your business must stand out, but it must also maintain that experience in every store.

The storefront is the first and last opportunity your business has to convert that passer by into a customer. If your storefronts are poorly designed, differ from one another or offer little in the way of a ‘preview’, then that customer is given no reason to come inside.

Follow these tips to ensure the design of your storefront is attracting customers:

Visibility is key.

Most storefronts aren’t next to the carpark where a potential customer is going to leave their vehicle. Often times, it’s quite a distance away, as well as adding the fact the car park isn’t very well lit. For your stores one of the most important aspects of design should be visibility. Lighting is critical to the success of attracting new customers. Use a tried and tested approach and design when it comes to lighting.

Neon signs are a great way to distinguish your storefront immediately.

Use custom designs for your signs, utilising words like ‘sale’, ‘new season’ or your company logo/brand. Ensuring that the first thing a customer sees in your store should be the first priority when designing your store. Competition is fierce which means beating the competition before a potential customer even gets close to the stores is a must.

Don’t scream at them.

As customers approach your stores you want them to be able to see very clearly what offers, specials or ‘looks’ you are offering. But too often these days storefront design is taken over the top. As you approach a storefront and consider entering as a customer, the last thing you want to be greeted with is 12 signs that say “sale on now” or “last chance”. Instead adopt a subtle approach in your storefront design, as well as ensuring the look is consistent. Attracting customers is all about ensuring your storefront is inviting, warm and understandable.

Signs utilising exclamation marks(!!!), or CAPTIAL LETTERS make the customer feel like they are being screamed at. What a customer is looking for is an idea or concept of what is inside. Use a minimalist approach, offer two or three key product lines to attract customers to find our more by coming inside.

Consistency is everything.

One of the more important aspects of any good storefront design is consistency.

When you travel from shop to shop you want to know that what you see is the same. Customers need to be able to identify your store quickly and easily to help speed up their buying decision. Ensure that your storefront design is consistent across all of your stores. This will allow a customer to identify your store first before potentially being influenced by another storefront design.

Most specials, sales or new season product lines are identical across stores, so ensuring your storefront designs match from a product perspective shouldn’t be too difficult. For visibility use a company signage provider across all your stores so you can manage the consistency.

Create a welcoming space.

When a potential customer views your storefront you don’t want them to be bombarded by racks or shelves of products. Create a welcoming space as they first enter the store, almost a reception of sorts. This will allow the customer to naturally transition from what they saw in the window to the culture of your store. Allowing for this type of atmosphere will ensure customers feel welcome and continue their purchasing journey into your store, not out of it.

First impressions last a lifetime, whether it is meeting a new friend or an interaction with a brand for the first time. The importance of storefront design can’t be underestimated when it comes to attracting new customers. Follow these tips to ensure that your storefront is designed and optimised to attract as many new customers as possible.