Home Others Top 5 Things Every Employee Would Love To See In The Workplace

Top 5 Things Every Employee Would Love To See In The Workplace


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When it comes to designing an office space, it is imperative that you not only consider costs and functionality, but that you also consider the needs and interests of your employees. It is a known fact that office spaces that are more “employee-friendly” have a higher morale and productivity than boring, traditional office spaces.

Although the entire office design doesn’t have to be geared towards the interests of your employees, here are some suggestions that most employees would love:

1. A Designated Break Room.

Who wants to have to sit at their desk to take their 15-minute break? Driving somewhere of course cuts into their time, and skipping a break altogether is not good for productivity. Many employees would just love to have a designated break room in the office where they can retreat to. There’s nothing like those conversations around the office water coolers or over a cup of coffee to get you through the rest of your work day. So, if you haven’t already, invest in a space that employees can just take a load off for a minute.

2. Childcare Facilities.

According to Forbes magazine, one of the top reasons for high employee absenteeism is directly related to childcare issues. What if you could minimize the number of callouts in your office by simply having a childcare facility at the office? Parents are then able to drop their kids off and get to work on time without having to go far to check on their children.

3. Ergonomic Furniture.

Do you know that many work-related injuries and illnesses can be minimized by simply investing in better office furniture? Everything from back pain to carpal tunnel can be caused by poor work equipment and furniture causing employees to take more time off. Want to make your employees feel more comfortable at work for 8 hours, consider ergonomic furniture like specialized keyboards and standing desks.

4. Cafeteria.

Have you tried eating your lunch at your desk or better yet, in your car parked outside of the office? Depending on what you’re eating that day it can be a real pain to enjoy your lunch without making a mess. Offering your staff, a cafeteria where they can eat, grab beverages and even snacks is a great way to improve office morale and keep a smile on everyone’s face. It allows for socialization throughout the day and prevents the need to go out for lunch all the time.

5. Game Room.

Kids aren’t the only ones to enjoy a good computer game, board game, or card game. It is important for your employees to have fun from time to time. Many would like the pleasures of retreating to a game room or entertainment room of sorts. Some place where they can hop online and play a game of Candy Crush or sit at the table with coworkers and play a game of cards. This allows again some time for socialization and gives employees something to do during their down time that’s rewarding.

If you’re going to design an office that your employees will love, you need to keep all of these cool things in mind. As a startup, if you don’t have the funds to implement all of these ideas, start with some of the more affordable ones and as you grow, so too can the features you provide in the workplace for your employees to enjoy.


  1. I would add three cheaper and sometimes free takeaways.

    1) Less is more: breaking down the walls to create public spaces in the workplace will reduce costs and allow for the random encounters of different people that spark friendship and creativity.
    2) Use color: spice up your workplace using different colors that take out the monotony of white and gray.
    3) Let the outside in: there are few things more gratifying than seeing a sunset and the flow of life from your office window.

    Often times, it’s simple changes like these that can make a workspace a positive one. If you like, check out our article about positive work environments!


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