Home Others Four Of The Most Common IT Problems Experienced Today

Four Of The Most Common IT Problems Experienced Today


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Laptops, smartphones, tablets and other similar electronics can be truly amazing devices — as long as they are working properly. But as any IT department or individual who loves technology knows quite well, there are myriad issues that can pop up that may cause the device to have issues.

Check out some of these common IT issues that are businesses and technophiles often encounter:

1. Customizing a New Smartphone.

Smartphones come with so many bells and whistles these days, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times to know what aspects of the phone you want to customize. A great example of this are Android phones like the Samsung Galaxy S7; the phone offers so many options it may be difficult to know what to select and how to do it. Fortunately, the Samsung Galaxy S7 is very intuitive and customizing the phone is fairly easy; a common edit is to change the size of the home screen grid, so you can fit more shortcuts and widgets. Simply make a long press on the wallpaper on the screen and you can choose 5×5, which will allow up to 25 shortcuts on the screen. If you play a lot of games and are annoyed by the seemingly-constant notifications, you can tap on settings, then lock screen and security and then notifications on lock screen — this will bring up a list of all of your apps. Switch off the apps that you do not wish to receive notifications about and this feature will be disabled.

2. The Blue Screen of Death.

Among the literally thousands of issues that can happen with a laptop or desktop computer, the Blue Screen of Deathis one of the most troubling — for those who have not experienced the BSOD, it is the blue screen covered with code that appears when your computer seems to be dying. Technically, this issue is called a STOP Error and one that most IT departments are well aware of. In most cases, fixing a BSOD is a time-consuming issue that an IT department or tech-savvy person can tackle; if you need help, check out YouTube for some how-to videos that may help you restore your computer.

3. Accidentally Deleting Files.

After spending hours on a work project, you inadvertently delete some of the important documents. This problem easily falls in the Top 10 tech support issues. Fortunately, in many cases, the deleted info is sitting in the Recycle Bin, where it can easily be retrieved. If the Recycle Bin was emptied or the files were “shift-deleted” the drive must not be used until the data is found.

4. The Internet Is Too Slow.

If accessing a website for work is plodding along slower than molasses going uphill, you may have an issue with either a virus or spyware. If you have accidentally/on purpose visited a questionable website or clicked on one of those “I need help” emails that looks like it came from a trusted friend but is actually a virus, you may have inadvertently invited a bug into your system. If you are at work, be honest with the IT people about where the virus may have come from; for home users, be sure your antivirus program is current and running and perform a full scan to try to get rid of the issue.