Home Others How To Come Up With Creative Ideas For Video Marketing

How To Come Up With Creative Ideas For Video Marketing



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Are you thinking about kicking your video marketing efforts up a notch and want to come up with some creative ideas that you can utilize? As you’ll find that is often easier said than done, and if you may even find yourself drawing a blank.

While it is difficult to force creativity, there are several ways that you can start to come up with creative ideas. At very least they should give you some inspiration and get the ball rolling.

Find out more about your audience.

Every marketing video should target a specific demographic, and you should get to know as much about that audience as possible. By finding out what they like, dislike, respond to and look for – you should be able to start getting some ideas about the shape and form that your videos should take.

If you want you can even go a step further and come up with personas for your audience. Give them a name, a profile and a personality – then put yourself in their shoes and try to figure out what kind of videos they would like to see.

Check out the latest trends.

Keeping tabs on video marketing trends is important, and an invaluable source of ideas. If there is a particular trend that fits well with the product or brand that you’re marketing then you could be good to go.

With every trend that you encounter you should try to spend a minute or two thinking about whether there is any way for you to put a spin on it and use it. That should help you to churn up several ideas that are fresh takes on existing trends.

Scope out what your competitors are up to.

In the same way trends can be a source of ideas, your competitors can be as well. While it is probably not ideal to copy an idea from a competitor verbatim, it could act as a base that lets you form new ideas of your own.

More importantly when you scope out existing video marketing campaigns by your competitors, you’ll be able to see how customers respond to them. That should give you some valuable insights that you can use to come up with ideas.

Don’t go it alone.

While you may not have a team that you can arrange to have a brainstorming session with (though it would be great if you do) – that still doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Odds are you have friends, coworkers, or family members that you can bounce ideas off – and you should take advantage of that.

It helps to have others around to give you feedback, input, and maybe even help you to see things from a different perspective. In short – crowdsource and tweak your ideas wherever possible.

Keep a record of all your ideas.

Remember there are never any ‘bad’ ideas, and while you may dismiss some ideas and think they can’t work in your current video marketing campaign – that doesn’t mean they won’t work in a future campaign. As such you should always keep a record of any and all ideas you may have – as you never know when it could come in handy and help you to generate even more ideas.

One way to create attractive video slideshows is with Movavi Slideshow Maker for Mac. It is a simple yet highly effective slideshow maker for Mac that you can use to quickly come up with slideshows complete with special effects, background music, and animated transitions. In short you should be able to turn your creative ideas into great-looking marketing videos that will truly take your campaign up a notch.


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