Home Others What Are The Big Changes In SEO For 2017

What Are The Big Changes In SEO For 2017


Seo expert

If you want your online presence to be as effective as possible you need to pay attention to changes in SEO that could affect you. If you are not following the latest trends, and updating your online content and processes accordingly, you may start losing out to competitors.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to three recent changes in the world of SEO. You should consider these changes, and adapt your SEO practices to take account of them. We realise this can be time consuming, but the rewards are worth the effort in the long term.

If you do not feel as though you can do justice to your SEO, then it may be worth speaking to an expert in SEO in Sydney, to see if they can help:

Being aware of user intent.

It used to be enough to make sure your keyword research and use was up to date; this is no longer the case. While keyword research is still something you need to pay attention to, you now also need to look at user intent. The Internet has been around for several years now, and people are becoming more savvy when using it. Many people now use more complicated search terms and questions. They simply are not typing in just a couple of words as much as they used to.

What does this mean for you? Put simply you now have to be aware of what questions people are looking to have answered and what they want you to tell them. This is not easy, but if you put enough effort into your research you should be able to obtain the information you need.

Using cross channel marketing.

You may be used to using multi-channel marketing, but cross channel marketing is something that is connected to this, but a little different. Using this type of marketing means that you do not necessarily have to communicate with someone using the means by which they first encountered you. They may browse your site using a mobile device but you may want to target them for email communication. It’s all about thinking about communication as a whole all the time. You need to use the method that is best suited to your requirements.

Mobile first indexing.

You may be aware of mobile first indexing, but not really know exactly how it’s going to affect your business. Basically, when mobile first indexing becomes a reality late in 2017 Google will use your mobile website to assess your search engine ranking. This means that you need to ensure your mobile website is optimised for things such as load speed, ease of access from links and use of an appropriate font. This is a big change, when it comes to SEO, and one which reflects the increased use of mobile devices to complete web searches.

All of these areas are going to impact your SEO in 2017 and beyond. Make sure you pay attention to them when creating, or updating, your online presence.