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Skill-Set Switcher – 5 Steps For Reclaiming Your Employment Prospects


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We spend a staggering 9,000 hours at work every year.

In total, this equates to around one-third of our entire lives. So, if you do not have a job that you love, time at the office can be a major source of frustration. While it is not always easy to balance job satisfaction with the rising cost of living, the reality is that you are the one in control.

There are ways to change your routine if you are stuck in a dead end position.

It takes time and determination, but brighter prospects are always possible. The secret to success is identifying your needs. What is it about your current role which leaves you feeling unfulfilled? Is there are another field that interests you and do you think you have the skills to excel there?

Keep reading for some tips on the best ways to broaden your career prospects and finally find that dream job.

1. Consider Hiring an Expert.

While working with a consultant is not for everybody, it is a good way to supercharge your journey to a new career. With the support of a good education consultant in Melbourne, it becomes easier to adapt your approach to suit different employers. They can help you to emphasise your strengths, iron out your weaknesses, and become an appealing candidate.

2. Request an Evaluation. 

Asking for feedback is not something which employees do very often, but it is an excellent opportunity to gain a little perspective. If you can handle negative comments with grace, you have the chance to exploit them. Request an evaluation or review from your current manager and actually listen to what they have to say, without getting defensive.

3. Cut the Procrastination. 

Many of us waste a shocking amount of time at home and in the office on passive activities, like browsing the internet and checking status updates. It is time that you could be using to learn a new skill, create a killer CV, or prepare for a big job interview. While downtime is necessary and you should not feel bad for relaxing, there is a difference between leisure time and procrastination.

4. Enrol On a Course.

There is no better way to enhance your appeal than acquiring a brand new skill.

Whether you are currently employed or not, enrolling on a course is a very clever move. It shows prospective employers that you value the pursuit of knowledge and have an eagerness to learn. This kind of proactive attitude is what most companies prioritise. Plus, your choice of new skill can be as quirky or diverse as you like.

5. Improve Your Speaking Skills. 

Often, the thing which lets job candidates down is not a lack of competence, but trouble with smooth communication. Fortunately, it is something that you can learn, even if you are naturally shy. There are lots of different techniques to try; from learning how to project your voice to visualisation tricks for anxiety. Show employers that you are a candidate worthy of talk.

Why the Change Has to Start With You.

It is easy to get stuck in a job which isn’t fulfilling or rewarding, but the only person with the power to change your situation is you. So, it is time to take all of the hours you spend complaining about your current position and channel them into new, exciting career goals.

Ultimately, it is never too late in life to make a transformation.

There is no age limit on learning and no rules which say you cannot quit your job, even if you have spent many years with a company. Let go of the excuses and prepare to leave your comfort zone. It is a big, bold world out there.