Home Professionalisms 8 Ways Small Businesses Can Stay Competitive With SEO

8 Ways Small Businesses Can Stay Competitive With SEO


Seo expert

by Maulik Patel, managing director at HireSEOAgency

It is said that if you’re passionate about something, just do it! But then, the very next moment a question arises- how? How to carry successful strategies which would be beneficial in the long term? The mantra for a business to succeed is to make a strong relationship with the new clients along with keeping harmony with old ones.

Here are some foolproof ways through which your business can stay effectively in the market:

1. Plan everything properly.

It is said that well begun is half done. To execute proper SEO strategies, you need to make a proper plan. Jot down everything. For example, your strategies may include from winning new clients and building relationships with them to maximising your current relationship with existing clients.

2. Watch out for your cash flow. 

When your business is just in its inception, there are many things on which have to spend a considerable amount of money and these expenses might look like a burden. But you can still keep the heat of expanding your business. Monitor your cash flow by paying bills regularly on time. It would also, in turn, help you in managing your growth without stress. 

3. Expect the unexpected.

When you’re in process of growing your business, you have to be ready for unpredictable problems. In case your plan A fails, you should always be ready with plan B. Also, don’t be rigid with your methods of carrying out a particular job. Look for better alternatives. Who knows, you might end up landing on a better idea!

4. Be different.

If you’re offering the same service which the another person is offering, then there have to be some solid reasons that the customers should come to you and not go to him. Do a little bit of homework and employ some creativity and innovation in your product and services.

Along with this, think out of the box about your strategies and services. Always try to have a different approach to your work. Doing this would lead you to get better prospects in your basket.

5. Trust your instincts.

How many times you’ve said,” I knew this was a bad move!” You should always trust your inner belief and put them into action. The fact is if you would doubt your own choices and judgment, how would you inspire other team members to push an edge extra.

Pay attention to what your gut feeling is saying. If you aren’t confident about something, step back and introspect. Also, don’t assume that the people you’ve hired are smarter than you. Don’t lower down your self-esteem and get conscious. They might know their expertise but you know the gist of the business. You’re an expert in that!

6. Be goal oriented.

Make realistic goals which can be achieved in a given time frame. Concentrate on the number of orders. Keep a tab on the existing customers and provide good services to the new ones. Also, ensure to take feedback from the customers.

7. Do creative and productive things in your spare time.

Many people like to do leisure activities in their free time. In lieu of this, try talking to your existing customers and learn about their business. Put some efforts in taking feedback and opinions about your services from them. You might get a whole new perspective.

8. Don’t panic if you fail!

There might be few instances where your decisions would go wrong and that’s completely okay. You shouldn’t ever fear failure. Instead, learn from your mistakes and refrain doing them ever again. Ask yourself ”if I fail, what will be the worst thing that could happen?” You would automatically feel boosted and energised. Never doubt your potential and always keep your self-esteem high.

Change in the business is bound to happen. And, with so many new ideas and products coming in the market, the competition is getting closer and tougher. Constant improvement of your product and services will alone lead to a bigger revenue growth.


maulik patel

Maulik Patel is a creative entrepreneur and managing director at HireSEOAgency, top seo company of India. He has more than 7 years of experience in small business growth strategies, content marketing and technical SEO.