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Should Your Engineering Startup Join A Chamber Of Commerce?


Business Meeting

Starting a new business is always exciting, but there is much to do and much to think about. It isn’t always as cut and dry as you thought it might be because of all the red tape involved in getting set up, registering to do business in your city and state, as well as in seeing that you are compliant with all the regulations regarding the types of business insurance you need. Then there is marketing to be considered and if you are the ‘new kid on the block,’ you just might want to consider the benefits of joining the local Chamber of Commerce.

Here are a few reasons why this might be a very good idea:

B2B Exposure.

When it comes to engineering, much of what you will be doing is design, especially if your niche within the industry is civil engineering. You may already be friends with alumni of the college where you got your degree, and if you studied a popular online masters in engineering program like that offered at the University of California Riverside, chances are you may know one or more graduates of other programs. Networking and exposure within a group of professionals is one of the best reasons to join the Chamber of Commerce in your area.

Keeping Tabs on the Local Economy.

When it comes to designing architecture, for example, this market is largely dependent upon the local economy. No one in their right mind builds huge developments or large industrial complexes during times of recession and unemployment. That company may not be seeing hard times, but the people who will most likely shop in, rent or buy those buildings may not be in a good place financially. By joining the Chamber of Commerce you will get statistics on the economy, even before they are released to the general public in many cases. An online master of engineering can help you snag the right client, but if the economy isn’t doing well, you will get an advance hint to reach farther afield. Infrastructure is inexorably linked to the economy, so it helps to know the general state of affairs in your region

Leads on Who Might Be Contemplating Construction.

Then there are those all-important leads. By attending regular meetings and keeping up with local businesses, you will be in a great position to get wind of who is thinking of expanding or building new locations. This is a civil engineer’s dream. Is your county looking to build a new freeway or bridge over the river because the existing structure is decades old? Perhaps the local airport is looking to build a new runway or two. These are the things you can learn in advance when being active in your local Chamber.

Engineers often design and implement infrastructure, but they are also called upon for massive structures that an architect hasn’t the science background to design. Will joining the Chamber of Commerce be any great benefit to you? Actually, it really will. From putting you in the right place at the right time to lending credibility to your brand, it’s always a good idea to join your local Chamber of Commerce. For relatively low dues, you get so much in return.